A new tax has just been introduced into Spain, one of many. It is a 20% deduction on any Lottery winnings over 2500€. This is yet another way to raise funds for a country that is still in deep financial poo poo. My hairdresser, who knows EVERYTHING about what's happening in Spain tells me that the Spanish police are now bringing in draconian laws to extract money from motorists, such as if your tyres are not set at what they, the police, conceive to be the correct pressure they will fine you, on the spot, 150€ per 'defective' pressure tyre. Short of checking one's tyres every day, I should imagine this is a winner for the coffers of the state. My neighbour who is packing up and leaving Spain because of some of the daft laws and rules, says that, what with the loss of UK TV, or pay and pay again for internet connection to access UK TV, it is amongst about fifty different reasons for him and his family to leave here, although he loved Spain. I know a sure fire way the police can raise some money. Go to Benalmadena Pueblo on any given day and issue tickets to illegally parked vehicles, and catch motorists who flagrantly and persistently go through red lights in the one way traffic light system. Cars are double parked, parked in the designated bus stop, and occasionally triple parked if they see a friend and want to hold a conversation. Many Spanish motorists think that, provided they have their 'flashers' on, they can park, literally, anywhere. This includes in bus stops, and on pedestrian crossings.
My wife has to go to court in July as a witness for the prosecution. She had her purse stolen in a Chinese store last month. Apparently 3 guys have been arrested. One assumes they were picked up after police looked at the CCTV in the store. They must be known to the cops, I guess.
I get asked lots of questions about life in Spain. I normally refer them to EOS. But one thing I would underline off of my own bat is that it's a great idea for anyone contemplating coming to live in Spain is to come to Spain in the winter months, and rent, don't buy until you have allowed Spain in the winter to tick your boxes. When I experienced our first winter in Spain, I can honestly say I have never been so cold and/or miserable. People, unfortunately think Spain is like July all year round. Those of us that live here know it is not, and the houses are built as they have been traditionally built for years in the same old way, with no central heating , no cavity wall insulation, no roof insulation, and no damp proof courses. Even today modern houses have, in the main, none of these items. It is also getting increasingly expensive to heat houses here in the winter. Wood, and butane keep going up in price. Having said all of that, I love Spain. I like most of the people, the way of life, and it is lovely to sit on your terrace in the winter months and often enjoy the sun on your bones, whilst those in the UK have to brave the sleet, snow, and rain for months on end with hardly any respite. We get lots of rain here in Spain in the winter, but we also get bright sunshine too.
My wife, who believes in these things, says she thought she saw a ghost last night. I asked her if she had any concrete evidence of ghosts. She replied that 'No. Very few ghosts are made of concrete'. My brother in law believes in God, and also believes that when his car petrol gauge says 'Empty' he still has at least a quarter of a tank full. In 2012 he ran out of petrol six times, yet he still believes. I've a good mind to pay for his plane fare to the Bible Belt of the USA, they'll love him there...
In the USA of course, they grow up believing in three things. God loves you and he's going to send you to hell if you're caught being bad. They also believe that sex is bad, nasty, awful, and dirty and you should save it for the one you love. God bless America !
I can't believe that the present UK government (Or maybe I can !) allows these 'pay day' loans to be legal. Some have interest rates of over 5000% . I wonder how many of the Conservative party take them out......
I ask only one more thing in life of God. Please let me see for myself if it's true that money doesn't make you happy!!!
I am having a go at publishing one of my novels myself, as an exercise. It's a crime thriller and at the moment I have it in Jarrolds of Norwich, and on Kindle. I am waiting for a response from WH Smith and Amazon. I have become increasingly frustrated and angry at receiving absolute peanuts for my paperback novels that retail at £6.99. The book is called "The Wednesday Women". If anyone knows of a publisher that doesn't rip off their authors I'd really like to join their club! (Best sellers excluded, of course)
My grandson and his friend are coming to stay for a week in August. He brings me down to earth. After I had had two of my novels published and was feeling mighty proud of myself, he said, "I'll only be impressed if you can write books, AND waggle your ears!"
And finally, The saddest words in the English language are, ".................Norwich City nil".
Placido Domingo to all.