British Media
Sunday, July 29, 2012 @ 2:03 PM
Isn't it a shame that the British media always take the opportunity to bash our achievements. Now its empty seats at some of the events. IOC people get tickets for seats and go from venue to venue. They can't be everywhere at once. I agree that empty seats are an eyesore, especially to those people who applied but couldn't get tickets, but usually there are reasons for it. In Beijing and Athens there were far more empty seats than in London for the early heats etc. I think they also build up our athletes chances of medals to such an extent that the pressure on them must be enormous. Why can't the media just report, instead of making quasi predictions and blowing up chances out of all proportions.
I see Barclays Bank have brought in good profit figures in spite of money set aside for being naughty. My bank manager went for a heart transplant but the hospital couldn't find the right sized stone.
People having a party two doors away last night until very late/early. Michael Jackson's 'Killer' booming out. I love Michael Jackson's music, but I often wonder if he would have been found guilty had he been black.
My wife paints. My brother in law was looking at one of her art works. "It's a self portrait" she said to him. "Who of?" he asked. Trying to extract a paint brush from someones anus can be difficult unless they stand still, and stop screaming.