A month ago, more or less, I watched on Antena 3 TV, an important news about a very small Spanish village: "A village of Guadalajara, with 25 inhabitants, is growing thanks to a nearby fish farm". That village is named Valderrebollo.

Aerial view of Valderrebollo

Valderrebollo close up

The Town Hall of Valderrebollo

Some houses of Valderrebollo

Main square of Valderrebollo

Hermitage of la Virgen del Prado in Valderrebollo
Other villages near Valderrebollo are: Barriopedro, Masegoso de Tajuña, Cogollor, Yela, Olmeda del Extremo, Moranchel, Hontanares, Alaminos, Solanillos del Extremo and Las Inviernas.
As I said at the beginning, Valderrebollo is a little bit inhabited village, but it is growing a lot thanks to a fish farm, near the village, managed by the company NATURIX.


Facilities of NATURIX

Facilities of Naturix close up
But Naturix also has an artificial lake, so that whoever wants to can learn to fish or to fish trout to take home --you can take 10 trouts from 22 Euros. But you can also have a monitor, to learn how to fish, for 5.95 Euros per person. If you are interested, you can go to CM-2011, Km 31, in Valderrebollo, telephone number: +34 949 098 108--.

The artificial lake of Naturix

How to arrive to Naturix

People learning to fish

More people fishing

A man fishing on the lake
But children can also learn to fish.

Some children from a school visiting Naturix

The same children going to the lake of Naturix

Several children learning to fish

A supervisor teaching a child to fish

Another child learning to fish

Two children fishing from a small boat

The same girl fishing from the shore of the lake

The same boy fishing from the shore of the lake

A trout
Next to the lake you can rest and enjoy with your family on a bar.

Bar-Restaurant of Naturix

Some people resting on the bar
This is a room, in the factory of Naturix, where the trouts are prepared to be sold.

A room in the factory

A trout packed in a vacuum

Packaged smoked trout fillets
But Naturix also makes trout burgers:

Trout burger
In 2012, Naturix received one of the Red Emprende Awards, from the Biodiversity Foundation, in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
The Technical Director and Manager of the company, Curro Villarreal, picked up the recognition of hands of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete, and received his congratulations for his entrepreneurial journey from care to the environment.

Curro Villarreal with the Minister Arias Caññete

The Ex-Minister Arias Cañete
Naturix is a project dedicated to rehabilitating the rural world from the “ecological farming”, trying to link primary activity with leisure and rest through sport fishing or catering.
This Naturix project has given the opportunity to several people, who were unemployed. This is the case of Manuel Antonio, who lived in Cádiz, without a job, and went to Guadalajara, to form a life and take root.
Other people come from Peru, from Ecuador. They do not mind living in an unpopulated area. They want work. "Many times we are recycling people over 45 years, who are perfectly valid for hotel or fishing. They also like the rural world a lot and it is something that must be taken into account", says one of the people in charge of the place.
In Spain, there are about 100 abandoned fish farms like this one. The idea is to recover them, because they are close to villages like this, where you can recover life in the area as is being done with this project.
Well, I hope that you will like this article and hope that you can visit the facilities of Naturix sometime.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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