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Another Spanish saying and proverb 85
Wednesday, January 15, 2020 @ 12:04 PM

      Today I would like to show you a very popular Spanish expression: "De bigote", which would literally be: "Of moustache".

      In the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, the idiom "Man with a mustache" is registered, as a punctual complier of his obligations, and "Man with the moustache to the eye" is also registered, referring to what, by arrogance, makes that the twisted tip of the mustache points to the same eye, but the "moustache" idiom, --not more, nothing else--, as a magnifying expression of whatever  --man, thing, circumstance, etc.--  is not yet included in the Dictionary of the Language, for more than, since the days of the Civil War, as Iribarren (a Spanish poet) points out, it enjoy great pedicament, in colloquial language. For example: "Have you seen the Ferrari that Trespalacios bought?, impressive, kid" = "¿Has visto el Ferrari que se ha comprado Trespalacios?, de bigote, chico". It is also said, for example: “It is absolutly freezing" = "Hace un frio de bigote"..

Man with the moustache to the eye

      Well, I hope that you will like this article.

      Until my next post, kind regards, Luis.

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