POLL: What's your take on Spanish television?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 @ 6:37 PM

The people are great, the weather is great, the food is great, the beaches are great, the countryside is great, Spain has a lot of great things going for it but what's your take on Spanish television? Is it good enough to draw you away from your Sky box now and again? I been here for a long time, I don't have Sky and I never have done. I've watched Spanish television since day one and I can tell you from my personal opinion that when digital television came in, introducing the capability to revert the programs back to their original language it was a life saver for me. Not because I don't understand Spanish, I speak it fluently and understand everything but because it meant I could finally watch foreign programs without that annoying voice over, as I found myself listening to the Spanish and the English simultaneously, it would drive me mad! I gave up on Spanish TV a long time ago finding it too monotonous at all times of the day, every chanel had and still has their own version of the same programme so it didn't matter if you switched channel, you were going to watch the same thing but with different faces. Loud panel discussions and long tedious talk shows that would go on for 4+ hours covering the entire prime-time broadcasting slot with one programme. They had and have the same presenters on all the programmes at all times of day and adverts that would go on for over 30 minutes, which meant and hour and half film on a Sunday afternoon would and still takes over 3 hours to watch... and of course dubbed. However dubbing has never really bothered me, it did in the beginning but you get used to it, eventually you don't notice it, and on more than one occasion I have reverted back to the dubbed version of the film as the original actors were awful and to be honest the quality of dubbing is very high and can often make a poor film rather good. However, having a Spanish family and living in Spain, British TV isn't much of an option for me so I have to make do and grab the odd film in original version or the odd documentary on Discovery when I am on my own, as Spanish TV is obviously preferred by my wife. So now that you know who controls the TV in my house, I was curious to know everyone else's view on local television. Do you watch it? Have you given up on it? or do you like it? If you like it please tell me which programmes, maybe I'm missing out on something! :)
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