POLL: Should the UK hold a second referendum?
Wednesday, June 29, 2016 @ 3:56 PM
Those who voted Remain, must accept the result. Although about 480 MPs supported Remain and only 160 voted Leave, it would be foolish for the Commons to try to overturn the people’s verdict, as some MPs urge. However some people already have Leaver’s remorse, and 3.7m people have signed a petition calling for another referendum.
What MPs should do in the national interest is to use their pro-EU majority to ensure that Britain retains access to the single European market in order to protect trade, jobs and investment. This is very tricky territory for the referendum victors.The only legitimate way to overturn last week’s decision is for a party to win a mandate for doing so at a general election. The Liberal Democrats have already made such a pledge but it would take Labour – under new management, as Jeremy Corbyn would not do it – to match that for it to have a realistic chance.
Last week the people voted against something but didn’t vote for an alternative blueprint because Vote Leave never spelt out what Brexit would mean. So we more than likely do need a second referendum – either on any concessions offered by EU leaders this year or, if they stick to their initial hard line, on the precise exit terms we negotiate in two years of talks. A second vote would allow those who believe they made a mistake last week to change their mind when they see the final package (whichever way they voted first time around). They could take account of the latest economic impact of the recent vote.
Another referendum would provoke outrage from some people who voted Leave. But it wouldn’t undermine democracy necessarily, it won't be the first time a referendum has been held twice on the same question. Yes, it might prolong the uncertainty. But we are now doomed to live in an uncertain era. Deciding which EU laws and regulations to keep could take years. So could new trade agreements.
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Parliament has debated the petition – “EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum”
Watch the debate: http://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/cb2f33f6-f9fe-463e-a6d5-40eca4b614c0
Read the transcript: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2016-09-05/debates/1609058000001/EUReferendumRules
The petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215
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