A Big Waste of Time
Saturday, September 26, 2009 @ 5:01 PM
I wish that my first blog was a happy one full of positivity, but unfortunately that is not going to be the case.....
On Thursday we had our AGM and I think that the only way to describe it was farcical. Now I have to say, I am not a great fan of these events - they always seem to descend into a serious bun-fight, but this one really has reached an all time low in my eyes. First thing to wind me up - it did not start until 5pm. We have a a very bad 12 months here on MCC and I am pretty convinced that one of the reasons for doing it at this ridiculous time was that the powers that be knew that a lot of people would leave before the more important agenda items were even looked at! And that leads me to problem number two - the agenda was in completely the wrong order. Our President had already said that she was going to be stepping down and a new candidate had put himself and a very strong team forward for election. He did try to get the agenda changed so that the elections could take place earlier in the meeting, but this was rejected by the administrator. Last year, when the last president was elected she took over the meeting from its start but this year she stuck her heels in and made it impossible for the same thing to happen.
The paperwork for the AGM was sent out so late that a lot of non-resident owners did not have the chance to get their proxy forms in and the inaccurate debtor's list meant that a lot of people were denied the right to vote despite the fact that they were not actually debtors. Our biggest debtor is our developer - funnily enough though he was able to vote as he lodged a cheque with the notary right at the last minute (this is money we will as a community never see - he did the same thing last year)
All this begs the question - what is the point? We now have no official president as the developer used his dodgy vote against the only candidate on a defaced voting form...
Hopefully my next posting will be more upbeat - am going out tonight so will drown my sorrows........