Getting from Pruna to Olvera by bus, or why not hitch hike? (and Vice versa)
Sunday, July 20, 2014
There are two buses a day, 6.30am and 4.15pm from Olvera, and 3.45pm and 8.45pm from Pruna to Olvera
So what to do outside this time? Well in winter I walk to Olvera and take the 4.15pm bus back, but the rest of the year I hitchhike.
Hitchhiking is legal, safe, and a great way to meet people. The villagers in Olvera and Pruna do it all the time, so I have now joined in.
Published at 2:59 PM Comments (1)
Saturday night in Pruna
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
The new mayor has revolutionised Pruna, a devotee of all things flamenco, a sports supporter, in the three years he has been in charge Pruna has become so much more vibrant.
Concerts abound, free Flamenco classes every wednesday afternoon for beginners, many more art and culture events.
Last Saturday (28 June) was typical, the evening kicked with a Mariachi band while a stage was erected followed by by an evening of flamenco, singing, pop bands and laughter.

The square was packed and the enertainment went on til 3am, free, of course, just buy a few drinks from the bars you sit in to watch.

Published at 9:09 PM Comments (1)
Getting from Pruna to Seville airport - easy!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
The bus to Seville leaves Pruna at 6.35am monday to friday. Firstly Bar Campo is open from about 5.45am, so you can have a cafe con leche and a tostado while waiting if you fancy leaving with a full stomach.
It is delightful waiting in the summer dawn for this very punctual and regular bus to appear, if you have luggage you place it in the hold, then get on, it cost 8.40 euros to get to Seville, and the bus terminus is at San Sebastien (there are two bus station in Seville).
The journey takes about 2 hours, and the only daily flight to Gatwick with easyjet is at 10.45am, so stroll out the front of the bus station, turn left and you will see bus stops and tram lines, cross over the tram lines and cross the road to the otehr pavement, almost directly in front of you you will see a bus stop with EA on the side, this is the airport bus stop. There is a digital information sign that will tell when the the half hourly service is due (it is usually at 20 mins to and ten mins past the hour).
The bus costs 4 euros and takes 35 minutes and drops you right outside departures.
Published at 8:01 PM Comments (0)
Summer activities in Pruna
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
There are many activities in winter, but when that heat hits the village they become based around the open air swimmimg pool.
This year they have aqua aerobics and swim classes for adults from 7pm to 8pm, and classes for adults and children in Yug-Yoga, which appears to be yoga with a bamboo stick, these are on Tuesday and Friday at 9am till 11am, and at 8pm til 9.30
The aerobics classes cost 30 euros for the whole two months, you get the ticket from the council offices, and the Yug-Yoga you can buy at the pool (I do not know the price, but it will not be exhorbitant.
The pool itself is fantastic, and the magic time to go is at 2pm when all the children vanish to get their lunch. There are trees giving loads of shade, and a great bar.
Throughout the village you will see small poster advertising day trips, usually to the playa (beach) and these are great value, I went on a trip to Chiclana for 8 euros, leaving at 8am, and back in the village at 9pm, Chiclana is near Cadiz, on the Atlantic coast, and has wide open white sandy beaches with not an English accent in earchot, and the cafes and restaurants were very reasonably priced.
Car hire is very expensive over the summer months, so do consider public transport to get to Pruna, a bus from Seville costs just 8.40 euros, and they are regular and clean.
Published at 7:47 PM Comments (1)
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