We are reasonable people and because of this we thought that Mr Big, after his last outing, where he had smashed the windows of the bar, would have gone home to sleep of the excesses of the night before. How wrong we were. Barry and Joe had gone to the bar with Guardia Civil and stopped the alarm.
When I got down there I called Manola the local glacier, who bless him came straight out on a Sunday morning to sort us out. He charged us no extra for this great service.
Barry and Joe went to the Guardia Civil office to do the denuncia (complaint/statement), only to find that Mr Big had been up there before them, he must have smashed the windows and gone straight up to the office. He had made a complaint against Barry, why, he was the drunk one who had smashed up my car and then my bar. He said Barry had beaten him up, we are told he did have injures at that time, which were the same as you would sustain from driving into a parked car, without a seat belt on, funny that. He did later drop the charges after being told he would have to have a medical report carried out and being warned that it is an offense to make a false denuncia.
Ok, let's give Mr Big the benefit of the doubt and say he was still drunk when he filed his false report. Now he would go home sleep it off and then wake with a cracking head and think 'oh, what have I done', when the headache passed, come down to apologize for his behavior and offer to pay for any damage caused. You would think that this is what would happen, wouldn't you ? Or am I just naive.
Well actually I am naive, because of course that didn't happen.
Sunday passed, cleaning up glass from the car and the bar. Smashed glass gets everywhere, it is just like the needles of a Christmas tree, just when you think your done, there's more.
We now have another problem, the car. It was unroadworthy and we had this big event at the weekend, we needed to go to Baza (30kms away) to buy stock. We knew that it was a write off.
Monday Barry and Joe spent most of the day with our Lawyer because Mr Big had made a report against Barry, it was now not straight forward case of reporting the events of Saturday night, it was now report the events of Saturday night and defend yourself against the report against you.
They managed some how to get to the only car dealership in our tiny village and start to purchase a car, basically, the dealer had two cars and only one we could afford, so not a hard decision.
I had been worried about the girls after the threats and events that had followed them, not knowing if it had just been the drink or if he was unhinged or both. I wasn't taking any chances. I spoke to the bus driver, the teachers and wrote to the headgear her. I just said we have had trouble at the bar and not let the girls leave school with anyone English. How terrible is that. They already knew what had happened, but it made me feel better telling them.
Tuesday, Joe and I had no option than drive to Baza, you've seen the pictures, it was draughts. Also illegal but I had no choice we had to be ready for the weekend and that was that.
Half way back the phone rang, it was Barry, Joe answered as I was driving. Mr Big was at the bar. Great I would have rather not have known, now I had pictures running through my head of bodies and blood all over the floor. Ok, maybe a little extreme, but you know what, after the three days I had had anything was possible.
As I parked the car, Mr Big got out of his. I couldn't look at him. He said 'so your not talking to me either' I saw red, I flew 'of course I am not talking to you' all the time I am moving towards him, Barry and Jose Maria (town hall) were both at the door, they both shouted at me as did Joe, who also took my arm. If they hadn't he may have got a little more than he bargained for, thankfully they were there, so we will never know.
Turns out Mr Big, had walked into the bar shouting 'we need to talk' in an aggressive manner. Why do that? If he had walked in with his hands up saying 'I am so sorry, please let's talk about how we can put this right' it would have been an end to it, but no. Four years on I am still waiting for the apology, he still he could sort it out if he wanted too, I would drop all court action. Don't get me wrong we don't want him in our lives, but to close a chapter would be good, as I am sure it would be for him also, no one wants a court case hanging over them, do they ?
Bruce Lee said the following quote which I think sums things up well
'Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them'
The saga continues ......
All the information in this blog is true, however it is told from my view point.