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Literally anything about Ryanair.

Ryanair website closed 19-20 June
Friday, June 19, 2015 @ 12:49 PM

The Ryanair website and app will be closed for 10 hours from 19:00hrs (BST) on Friday 19th June to 05:00hrs (BST) on Saturday 20th June 2015 for a systems upgrade.

Ryanair strongly recommends that customers travelling on Friday 19th & Saturday 20th of June 2015, ensure that they have checked in online and printed their boarding passes by Thursday 18th of June 2015.

Source: Ryanair

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Indico55 said:
Sunday, June 21, 2015 @ 11:42 PM

Why did Ryanair not contact customers booked with them and flying over the week this covered.
We spent hours trying unsuccessfully to get our passes to fly back to the UK totally unaware of this !
There was no message presented advising us of this, just "an error has occurred "
Their software is rubbish. You are also asked if you want to Reprint when you haven't even printed.
Twice I have had to ring Ireland Head Office to get boarding passes.

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