How to Save Money and the Environment at the Same Time
Sunday, October 8, 2017
I think that we are all beginning to adopt a slightly different attitude towards money and the environment, and there are occasions when the two go hand in hand. There are times when you can conserve nature as well as your money. I have been going through our household accounts, and I have found that during the last year we have made savings which can all be linked to the environment as well.
Light bulbs - we have changed all our light bulbs to low energy or LED. The initial bulbs cost more but the savings we have made on our electricity bills are really beginning to show through. Also remembering to turn out the lights has helped. We just to be quite sloppy about this in the past, but now it has become a house rule.
Windows - making sure all the windows fit properly has been an important factor in coming the apartment warm. if you are buying a property in Spain or elsewhere, make sure that any appliances included in the sale, are enegry efficient. If any certificates are required, you should ensure that they seller provide them to you before the sale.
Appliances - all our main appliances now have the top rating for energy efficiency. This is really important especially when it comes to washing machines, and refrigerators which do a lot of the work in our modern homes. We have also stopped using the dish washer as this was just too expensive.
I am sure there are many more tips, and ideas. Switching to cheaper ways of cooking food such as steaming food is another top tip, and if you are really serious about saving the environment and money, you can always install solar power to your home. It is the ideal energy solution for many homes in warmer and sunnier countries.
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