Holiday plans for 2024: Up to €1,500, staycations or Europe, and DIY bookings most popular
Friday, April 12, 2024 @ 8:02 PM
The average Spanish resident will spend between €500 and €1,500 on their holidays this year, with three in 10 set to increase their budget from last year and 16% reducing it.

A survey by travel operator Aplázame, targeting customers aged between 18 and 65, found that a total of 55% expect to spend the same amount on their 2024 getaways as they did in 2023, that nearly four in 10 plan to take two trips this year, and three in 10 intend to take three or more trips.
Two-thirds will take their holidays in summer, which continues to be the most popular season for national or international travel.
The emphasis is more on national travel, since staycations in Spain are the highest on holidaymakers' wishlists for 2024, even if just for short breaks.
Another 44% intend to travel to another European country, specifically on the Mediterranean, whilst 20% are looking to go long-haul and visit somewhere on another continent.
When it comes to destination decisions, over three-quarters say price is the deciding factor, with four in 10 influenced by discounts or special offers, and just over a third having a set budget and intending to stick to it.