Sierra de Grazalema - Dec 2010 walk
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 @ 10:05 AM
The Sierra de Grazalema was declared a Unesco Biosphere reserve in 1977 and the first natural park in Andalucia in 1984. It is one of Spain's most ecologically diverse areas. The region is famed for being the rainiest place in Spain, with an annual rainfall of 2,200mm, which ensures that the numerous unique or rare plant species that have been registered here, flourish. Around 3,000ha of the park is called an Área de Reserve, with the most fragile ecosystems, Spanish fir forests and black vulture colonies. Conservation measures are more strict than the rest of the park and visits are controlled in terms of dates and numbers. We managed to get such a permit early December 2010 and although we were not allowed to climb el Torreon (the highest peak of Cadiz at 1645m) we did share a unique experience - enjoy the pictures: