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SPAIN'S TOP 10 - Bizarre Foods
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 @ 11:26 AM
Spain has some very wierd food, so I thought I would pull together some of the most bizarre food I have come across during my time in Spain.
If you can add to the list please leave a comment!
1. Sea Lamprey cooked in its own blood - Lamprea en su propia sangre - Galicia

2. Stewed Cockerel Crests – Crestas de gallo - Zamora

3. Lambs brains - Sesos de cordero – La Rioja

4. Testicles in Sauce – Criadillas en Salsa

5. Fried Cockeral and lamb stomach/intestine - Gallinejas y entresijos – Madrid

6. Gooseneck barnacles – Percebes – Galicia

7. Pigs' Ears – Oreja de Cerdo

8. Elver (new born eels) and garlic – Anguilas

9. Tripe Stew – Callos - Madrid

10. Sea Snails – Caracoles de mar

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