Spain's Top 10: Freshwater Oases
Friday, July 3, 2020 @ 5:47 PM
When it comes to Spain everyone seems to picture a sandy beach on some coastal resort but in fact, I have to say that I have had some of my greatest moments in Spain, inland at many of the country's idyllic freshwater spots. Lagunas de Ruidera was a wonderful discovery many years back. What is so fantastic about these places is the crystalline freshwater, many of them are actually born from natural springs. The water is incredibly refreshing as opposed to the hot bath water which can be found on the Mediterranean coast during the summer.
So if you fancy a change, this is a wonderful alternative and you probably won't have to fight to find a spot to lay down your towel! The word oasis comes to mind when I see them as in many occasions all that can be seen around them is arid land and dry pine forests. Some of these places also allow water sports and freshwater fishing so also a great opportunity to keep yourself busy.
These are 10 of the top places around the country, naturally, there are so many, so feel free to post a comment if you know of any more wonderful freshwater oases...
1. Lagunas de Ruidera (Ciudad Real)

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2. Lago de Sanabria (Zamora)

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3. Los Pilones (Cáceres)

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4. Embalse de Orellana (Badajoz)

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5. Las Fuentes del Algar (Alicante)

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6. Pantano de San Juan (Madrid)

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7. Lago de Bolarque (Almonacid de Zorita, Guadalajara)

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8. Playa de Zahara de la Sierra (Cádiz)

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9. El Parrizal de Beceite - Teruel

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10. Las Presillas (Rascafría- Madrid)

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