Although there are no deadly spiders in Spain, some can give painful bites. Here are a few to keep on your radar!
1. Loxosceles Rufescens

This spider, common in homes, is shy and not very aggressive. But when it bites, it can produce swelling and, in some very rare cases, necrotic wounds.
2. Latrodectus Tedecimguttatus

Although less dangerous than its American relative L. Mactans, the bite of the 'European black widow' can cause neurotoxic symptoms, with fever, stiff belly and cramps.
3. Cheiracanthium Punctorium

Somewhat more painful than a wasp sting, in sensitive people, the bite of this spider can cause a variety of skin reactions and even mild fevers.
4. Lycosa Tarantula

The venom of this spider, one of the largest on the peninsula, is comparable to that of a bee and can cause a very annoying stinging pain.
5. Macrothele Calpeiana

Also a candidate for the largest Spanish spider, it can bite when disturbed and cause intense pain and erythema (intense red rashes) in the affected area, although it usually subsides after a while.
6. Florentine Segestria

A very recognizable spider for its iridescent green chelicerae ('fangs'), its bite, although not dangerous, causes intense pain and sometimes general discomfort.
7. Steatoda Triangulosa

Known as the 'false widow' due to its resemblance to spiders of the genus Latrodectus, its bite is painful and can cause redness, itching, cramps and nausea that disappear around 6 hours later.