Use up those Oranges
Sunday, November 30, 2008

My neighbour has lots of oranges on her tree now, but she can't eat them as they are not sweet enough. I've been making marmalade for the last six months since I bought my new kitchen machine, the Thermomix so I thought I'd use some of her oranges mixed in with my bought ones and the result was a delicious bitter orange marmalade. It's great on top of cheese slices with your mornng toast.
Here's the recipe if you'd like to try it. It's never been easir to make jams and marmalades, ou can throw in any combination really.
Orange Marmalade
500g (4 medium sized) oranges, washed. You can mix bitter with sweet oranges if you like bitter orange marmalade.
450g sugar
Slice off tops and bottoms of oranges, cut them into quarters and halve the sections. Don’t remove the peel, just any excess white pith and try to eliminate any seeds.
Press WEIGH and place the pieces in the bowl, noting the exact weight. Then for 5 seconds chop on dial 5, then turbo chop for another 4 seconds.
Press WEIGH again and add the sugar, use about 50g less than the weight of the oranges.
Then press Varoma, set the timer for 20 minutes and dial number 1. After about 8 minutes the marmalade starts to really bubble so to avoid any splashing onto the kitchen bench I place a couple of pieces of kitchen paper over the top of the bowl.
When the timer goes off leave the marmalade to cool a while and then place in jars.
Makes 3 jars approximately.
You can add 60-100g of chopped preserved ginger or 4 tbspns of whisky just before potting for variety.
I've heaps more recipes if anyone is interested. Please feel free to e-mail me at
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