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The "Guiri" Gourmet

The "Guiri" Gourmet likes his food. He eats well at home, as his wife is an outstanding cook, but they also like to dine out or go on a "tapas" tour. This blog is about some of their experiences, both in Spain and elsewhere.

New bars and restaurants in Ronda
Friday, January 24, 2025 @ 7:10 PM

I don't know if it's like this everywhere in Spain, but in Ronda (Málaga), where I live, bars and restaurants close and new ones open with amazing frequency. It seems to be a post-Covid phenomenon.


[Photo: Restaurantes Exitosos]


This evening we wanted to try out somewhere new, so I had a wander round the centre this morning and discovered a surprising number. And that's not counting places away from the centre or on the outskirts.


Ronda restaurant "recce"

Within 15 minutes I had discovered at least ten - on three streets, slap bang in the centre.

There was a Hindu, a Korean, a new Italian pizzeria, and a whole range of places offering Spanish/international cuisine. There were trendy places with nouvelle cuisine; cheap and cheerful; expensive; and bog-standard. There's even a restaurant boasting 2 Michelin stars.


The Hollywood film star Robert De Niro ate lunch there recently. The menu of the day was an eye-watering 200€ a head! But, I guess if you earn 10 million dollars for making a film, that's peanuts!

I shan't be going there anytime soon. Mr De Niro did report that the meal and service was excellent! I should bloody well hope so for that price! The Michelin-starred chef Benito Gómez must be a very wealthy man.

I'll let my wife choose where we go (I won't mention Tragatá - the expensive one referred to above).

I wouldn't mind giving the Indian restaurant a try. We haven't had an Indian or Bangladeshi restaurant in Ronda for some years. I'm also intrigued by the Korean place, but we'll see .....



De Niro and Gomez [DiarioSur]


© The "Guiri" Gourmet

Photos by Paul Whitelock, unless otherwise stated.



10 million dollars, 2 Michelin stars, 200€ a head, Bangladeshi, Benito Gomez, DiarioSur, HinduIndian restaurant, Italian, Koreanmeal and service were excellent, menu of the day, nouvelle cuisine, Paul Whitelock, pizzeria, post-Covid phenomenon, Restaurantes Exitosos, Robert De Niro, Ronda restaurant "recce", Spanish/international cuisine, The "Guiri" Gourmet, Tragata, wealthy man,

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