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The Spanish Fly - Travels in Spain

The Spanish Fly is a nom de plume of Paul Whitelock who first visited Spain at the age of 20. Now more than 50 years later, he has been to most parts of the country, including nine of the 12 islands. He has owned property in Andalucia since 2001 and has lived in the region for the last 15 years. This blog is a Travelogue about some of the places he has visited.

2025 - Our year of travel
Friday, March 21, 2025

In May 2025, I achieve the grand old age of 75, five years longer than my allotted biblical span of three score years and ten. 

So, before it's too late - younger men than me are dying all around - this year we have decided to SKI, ie spend the kids' inheritance, by travelling all over.


[Cartoon courtesy of eBay]    


The missus is only one year behind me in age, so given our recent medical history - Rita very nearly succumbed to the Coronavirus, and I have been diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic - we have decided to get our skates on, before it's too late.



Whilst I have travelled to four of the seven continents in my younger days and Rita has travelled widely with previous husbands, as a couple we have only been to Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, a few other parts of Spain, Switzerland and the UK (Chester, Cornwall, Devon, London, Portugal, Scotland, Somerset, East Sussex, North and South Wales, and York). We have not been outside of Europe together.

So, we already have some plans in place for the early part of the year, as well as others on our "bucket list".


[Map of Europe courtesy of Wikipedia]    

Plans already made

UK - I'm off to London (Stratford) and Hastings (East Sussex) for an early celebration of my 75th with my kids and grandkids.

I suspect my ex-wife Jeryl will also be there to congratulate me!

Dinner on Thursday with my daughter Amy somewhere in the East End and time with her two lads, Felix and Jude, on Friday

Then we're all headed off on the train to the coast to stay with my son Tom, wife Su and their two boys Wilbur and Buckley.

[Cartoon courtesy of Tagvenue]    

My ex-wife Jeryl will probably also be there to celebrate with us.

On Sunday a big family lunch in a nice pub in Hastings Old Town.


France We're going somewhere new for both of us - to the Avignon, Marseille, Cote d'Azure area.

We're meeting up with Rita's oldest Katrin, husband Gero and children Anton, Madita and Lotta.

The Schroeders are avid campers, and we are joining them on a camping there, although we'll be staying in a house on the campsite (no more lying on the ground for us!)


Le Pont d' Avignon [Travel Real France]    


Germany We're both off to Talheim (Baden-Wuerttemberg) for the confirmation of grand-daughter Lotta (qv).

Talheim is where Rita and I "jumped the broom" at the Registry office, followed two days later by a Church wedding in the Abbey at Maulbronn (also B-W).

Rita lived in Maulbronn in a previous life.

After the confirmation is over I shall fly straight back to Spain, but Rita will head up north to Oesterholz (North Rhine Westphalia) where she is from for a family reunion before flying home.


Maulbronn Abbey [Photo: Stadt Maulbronn]    

Bucket list

This is a list, in alphabetical order, of the places on our "bucket list". Clearly we won't get to them all in 2025, but they will remain on the list for 2026, 2027, and beyond .....


Canada - I fancy Vancouver (British Columbia) just above the border with the USA.

Cuba (just me) - I should have gone to Cuba 30 years ago when the main stars of the band, the Buena Vista Social Club, were still alive. Still fancy going, however.

Czech Republic (Prague) - I spent a weekend there 20 years ago with Jeryl and Tom. Coincidentally, my daughter Amy was also there on an orchestra tour from her Oxford college (Queen's). She is an oboeist. They played in several churches in the city. Great beers in the Czech Republic, including Budvar.

Denmark - I was in Copenhagen with Jeryl some 40 years ago. Rita has never been even though the country shares a land border with her home country.


[Photo of Prague courtesy of Viator]    


Galicia - The only one of the 17 autonomous regions of Spain that I have never visited. That's definitely "on" for 2025. Cheap flight to Santiago de Compostela from Malaga and then a dear hire car. Still cheaper than us going by road in our own car.

Hungary (Budapest) - Neither of us has been to Hungary. A long weekend in the capital is a possibility for this year.

Morocco - A "must" for this year. It's quite close, yet on another continent, Africa.

New Zealand - Not this year. Katrin and family are thinking seriously about emigrating there. If that happens we shall visit them for sure.

[Photo of Budapest courtesy of El Mundo]    


Perú - The only South American country on my list. Going there would take me to my fifth continent.

Why Perú? Machu Pichu, of course, home of the extinct Inca civilisation. 

My daughter Amy visited the summer after she graduated, and although she got altitude sickness, she was blown away by the experience.



[Machu Pichu photo courtesy of Wikipedia]    


Why now, I hear you ask?

My English cousin Alison lives in Perú. She is married to a Peruvian diplomat Jesús and is a freelance translator.

Their son, Philip, is also a member of the Peruvian diplomatic corps.

So, if I'm quick, I'll have a contact there. Jesús retires soon and he and Alison are planning to move to Spain to live, so I need to go in 2026, probably.

Philip, Alison and Jesús [Family photo]    


Poland - Would be new for both of us. Warsaw sounds good. Also Gdansk (formerly German enclave Danzig).


© The Spanish Fly


Photos and images:

El Mundo, Facebook, Stadt Maulbronn, Tagvenue, Travel Real France, Viator, Wikipedia


2025, 2026, 2027, 75, Alison Light, Amy, Anton, Austria, Avignon, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Belgium, "bucket list", Buckley, Budapest, Budvar, camping, Canada, Chester, Church wedding, confirmation, Copenhagen, Cornwall, Coronavirus, Cote d'Azure, Cuba, Danzig, Denmark, Devon, East End, East Sussex, El Mundo, Europe, ex-wife Jeryl, Facebook, family lunch, family reunion, Felix, France, Galicia, Gdansk, Germany, Gero, Hastings, Hastings Old Town, Hungary, Inca, Jesús Ponce, Jude, "jumped the broom", Katrin, Le Pont d' Avignon, London, Lotta, Machu Pichu, Madita, Malaga, Marseille, May 2025, Maulbronn, Maulbronn Abbey, medical history, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, North and South Wales, North Rhine Westphalia, Oesterholz, Philip Ponce Light, Prague, Poland, Portugal, Rita, Schroeder, Santiago de Compostela, Scotland, Somerset, Spain, spend the kids' inheritance, SKI, Stadt Maulbronn, Stratford, Su, Switzerland, Tagvenue, Talheim, three score years and ten, Tom, Travel Real France, Type 2 diabetic, UK, Vancouver, Viator, Wikipedia, Wilbur, York

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Forget the Hotspots
Monday, February 17, 2025

"Forget the Hotspots"

Yzabelle Bostyn, a journalist working for The Olive Press, has recently written about five less well-known places away from the popular big cities, like Barcelona, Granada, Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla, and Valencia.

Her choices are good ‘uns. I’ve been to all five. Here’s what I think:



[Image courtesy of Google]    


Reus (Catalunya)

Close to Salou, this is Gaudí territory.

I spent a week there with my first wife Jeryl and our two young kids, Amy and Tom, some 37 years ago. We stayed in an apartment in Salou, famously gay, even back then.

It was wet, I remember, but during dry spells we enjoyed the beach, and had fun exploring the rocky coastline and the restaurants which offered a huge variety of fresh fish

We liked it, although we never returned – Spain has so many other delights.

    Salou beach [Catalunya Turisme]


Jaén (Andalucía)

After my divorce from Jeryl, I was with a new lady, Maude. She had fallen in love with Spain after I took her there, to such an extent that she bought a little house in Ronda (Malaga) on her second day in the town.

But, I digress .....

After some time together living in North Wales we embarked on a little parador trip through southern Spain. We started at the emblematic parador in the grounds of the Alhambra in Granada - Wow!

After that we were at the paradores in Cordoba and Cazorla, before fetching up in Jaén . The parador here is an old castle, Santa Catalina, crowning the city and offering visitors a spectacular view of the mountains of the Sierra Morena and Sierra Mágina.

The Parador de Jaén stands out for its façade of huge stone walls and impressive interior vaults. We certainly enjoyed our stay there.


    Jaen parador with town in behind [20 Minutos]


Down in the town centre, Jaén was less impressive, just a busy, working city.  A few years later I was to discover two nearby cities, Baeza and ubeda, which are much more impressive.


Oviedo (Asturias)

I was here for a European Study Visit (Socrates) while the UK was still a member of the European Union.

The topic was to be “Teaching a modern foreign language from early ages”. By law in Spain, children have to study a foreign language (English) from age three.

As the Senior Adviser for MFL in Sefton (Merseyside) this was of great interest to me.


    Oviedo []


I was joined on the course by educators from across the European Union.

It was a fantastic week, during which we visited schools, sat in on lessons, had de-briefing meetings, went on trips into the countryside, drank lots of cider and were right royally entertained by our hosts. I even enjoyed a brief “liaison” with Paula, a German headteacher.

I liked Oviedo and also Gijón, on the coast.


La Gomera (Canary Islands)

Back in the early 2000s, Jeryl and I were on holiday in Tenerife (where were the kids?) and on one day we caught the ferry from Playa de Los Ingleses to La Gomera, a tiny island in the Canary Islands archipelago.

Back then, the island had no airport, no nothing really. But we had a great day, exploring on foot and swimming off the beach near the ferry port.

Now La Gomera has an airport, so I suspect it’s more touristy.


    Town beach on La Gomera []


Jerez (Andalucía)

I’ve been to Jerez de la Frontera, home of sherry, a few times.

We used to use the airport at Jerez until Ryanair pulled out and there were no more flights suitable for us.

However, the first time I went to Jerez was with Jeryl during our 2000 silver wedding anniversary tour of Andalucía.

We did a guided visit of the González Byass bodega, which was incredibly interesting. It gave me a love for fino, a dry sherry.



    Jerez de la Frontera [rumbo]


On subsequent visits with second wife Rita, we nearly always managed to not find our way out of the city by car. The road signs are non-existent, and Google Maps doesn’t have a clue.

I’ve been with Bianca, Rita’s niece; with Julia, Laura and Jakob, relatives from Germany (we visited the Jerez Riding School); with my daughter Amy, husband Carlo (now ex-husband) and their son Felix; and with a group of friends on a coach trip from Montejaque.

Jerez old town is very atmospheric with loads of great bars and restaurants. The sights are also fascinating and the Riding School was amazing.

I like Jerez; Rita does not!



Yzabelle's five choices are fine, although I could offer some others which would be strong contenders for inclusion.

These would include Baeza (Andalucia), Cádiz (Andalucia), Cuenca (Castilla-La Mancha), Girona (Catalunya), Salamanca (Castilla-León), Santander (Cantabria), Toledo (Castilla-La Mancha), Ubeda (Andalucia) and Hondarribia (Basque country). 




Hondarribia [A un Clic de la Aventura]


I suggest Yzabelle Bostyn has not visited all the places she mentions.

For example, Oviedo has no beaches, as it is inland in the mountains!

Jaén is not the best "non-hotspot" in Jaén province; nearby Baeza and Úbeda are far superior in every respect.

She doesn't do Jerez justice either - the town is about sherry and horses, not flamenco.



© The Spanish Fly



MY SPECIAL PLACES IN SPAIN - Help me, Ronda – features Oviedo

My Top 25 Places To Visit In Andalucía – mentions Nerja

Nerja - a little gem



A un clic de la Aventura, Catalunya Turisme,, Google, rumbo,, 



The Olive Press, Wikipedia,, Yzabelle Bostyn



2000 silver wedding anniversary tour of Andalucía, Amy, Andalucía, Asturias, A un clic de la Aventura, Barcelona, Bianca, bodega, Canary Islands, Canary Islands archipelago, Catalunya, Catalunya Turisme, Cider, coach trip, dry sherry, English, European Study Visit, European Union,, Felix, ferry, fino, Forget the Hotspots, Gaudí, German headteacher, Germany, Gijón, Gonzalez Byass, Google, Google Maps, Granada, group of friends, home of sherry, husband Carlo, Jakob, Julia, Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera, Jerez old town, Jerez Riding School, Jeryl, La Gomera, “liaison”, Madrid, Málaga, Merseyside, Montejaque, my daughter Amy, no airport, on holiday in Tenerife, Oviedo, Paula, Playa de Los Ingleses, Reus, Rita, Rita’s niece, road signs are non-existent, rumbo, Ryanair, Salou, Sefton, Senior Adviser for MFL, Sevilla, Socrates,, study a foreign language from age three, “Teaching a modern foreign language from early ages”, The Olive Press, The Spanish Fly, Tom, UK, Valencia, Yzabelle Bostyn



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FITUR 2025 - "Promoting Málaga" - Part II
Thursday, February 6, 2025

Some fifteen towns and villages in Málaga province were represented at Fitur 2025 in Madrid last month. I know them all. They range "from the sublime to the ridiculous".

FITUR is an important trade fair held annually in Madrid.

Tourism bodies from around the world attend and set up “stands” to promote their “wares”.


Fitur 2025 [Photo: Diario de Sevilla]    

Málaga province has a major presence. In January 2025 15 places were represented under the umbrella heading of "Andalusian Crush".  

This is Part II of "Promoting Málaga". Click here for Part I.


Málaga City

Málaga was ignored for years as tourists landed at Málaga Airport and headed west to the tourist resorts of the Costa del Sol.

Yet, in the last ten years or so, the sixth largest city in Spain has had a "makeover".


Málaga by night []


A revitalised port with shops and restaurants, more than a dozen museums and art galleries, fantastic Casco Antiguo (old part), a restored Roman amphitheatre, great restaurants and promotion of its splendid beaches and other attractions.

We love it and go whenever we can and stay over for at least one night.


Aerial view of the Port of Málaga [Wikipedia]   



MALAGA CITY - Help me, Ronda

Magnificent, under-rated Málaga - Eye on Spain

Mini-break in Malaga - Help me, Ronda

Museums in Málaga City - Help me, Ronda



This busy town is close to Málaga airport, so has a significant number of foreign residents. It’s the sort of place you end up in when you get lost in that area. Not my "cup of tea" at all.



I had never liked Marbella – too big, too busy, too dirty, too loud and too full of “guiris”.

Then when the local “fuzz” fined me incorrectly for a parking offence, I vowed never to set foot in Marbella again!

But, for health reasons, we have had to go a couple of times a week recently.

Rita has had two eye operations on our private health care plan and where is their hospital? In Marbella!


Hospital Ochoa overlooks the Mediterranean [FVV Ochoa]


While these ops were taking place I had time to kill, so I did some exploring on foot, and I have to confess I’ve grown to like the place. 

Especially the Casco Antiguo – the Old Town. 

It’s small but traffic-free with good shops, bars, cafes and restaurants.


Marbella Old Town [Marbella Living]    



The Spanish Police are beginning to get on my nerves! - Help me, Ronda



Like Casares, there are two settlements: Mijas Pueblo in the mountains and La Cala de Mijas on the coast. We like both for different reasons.

    Mijas Pueblo [Photo:]                                                  La Cala de Mijas [Photo:]


Mijas Pueblo is very “foreign” but delightful with superb views, and great hospitality venues and shops.

La Cala is situated on a long and wide sandy beach. Although it’s busy and touristy and there’s nowhere to park, the chiringuitos that form a backdrop to the beach are varied and relatively affordable.

In the little “centro”there are all kinds of shops, ranging from pricey to “cheap and nasty”.

La Cala is our “go-to” place if we are nearby. We’ve  even spent the odd night there in Airbnbs or rentals.



What can I write about the Ciudad Soñada, the City of Dreams? 

It’s where both Rita, from Germany, and I, from the UK, chose to live independently of one another (we met in Ronda, in fact).

As a Spanish-speaker, who fell in love with Spain aged 20, it was always my dream to live here someday.

It took nearly 40 years to achieve that goal, but in that time I travelled to every region, bar one (Galicia), and Ronda was the best place I found.

Aerial view of Ronda [Photo:]   


As somewhere to live, Cádiz (Cádiz), Cuenca (Castilla-La Mancha), Frigiliana (Málaga), Fuenterrabía/Hondarribia (Guipúzkoa), Guadalupe (Extremadura), Nerja (Málaga), Salamanca (Castilla-León), San Sebastián (Guipúzkoa) and Santander (Cantabria) also "tickled my fancy", but Ronda always had the edge.

    Cádiz City [Photo: Hertz]                          Cuenca [Photo: Wikipedia]                Frigiliana [Photo: Malaga Hoy]

    Hondarribia [Photo: Wikipedia]               Guadalupe [Photo:]                       Nerja [Photo: La sexta]

    Salamanca [El Confidencial]         San Sebastian [Wikipedia]                                            Santander [DTI]



My Top 10 places in Ronda - Secret Serrania de Ronda

Ronda Romántica: Falling in love in the 'city of dreams' - Secret Serrania de Ronda

Top 10 places to visit around the Serranía de Ronda and beyond

Ronda - City of Dreams - Secret Serrania de Ronda


Torre del Mar

Torre del Mar is the coastal town paired with Vélez-Málaga (qv).

I don't know it well but the beaches are spotless and so are the public toilets, of which there are many. The huge car park behind the beach is free.

Torre has a lot going for it. Good shops, normal ones as well as tourist traps.

The superb beach in Torre del Mar [Wikipedia]  



The very name Torremolinos is enough to give you the shivers.

Eric Idle's classic monologue about Torremolinos for Monty Python's Flying Circus did nothing to enhance its reputation as a tacky and cheap holiday resort for lower-class Brits.


Torremolinos [Wikipedia]    


Yet, nowadays Torremolinos is a very different "kettle of fish". The eastern end was always undeveloped, yet the beach there is amazing - deep and sandy, and loads of chiringuitos.

Even the centre of town and the Casco Antiguo have shifted up-market. Out with the lager-louts and jerry-built hotels and in with the more discerning tourist.

We discovered its charms, together with next-door Guadalmar, when we were looking for a hotel near the airport if we had an early morning flight.

Hotel Royal Costa in Torremolinos is 20 minutes from the airport and costs around 50€ for a double room with breakfast or a packed breakfast if you have a really early flight out of Malaga.

5€ for a taxi to the airport. Amazing!


Hotel Royal Costa [Photo: Trip Advisor]    

Nowadays, if I'm picking someone up who is arriving late afternoon/early evening, I go early.

I do a bit of shopping in stores not available in Ronda (eg Bauhaus, Carrefour, Conforama, IKEA, Leroy Merlin) and then have a couple of hours on the beach, either in Guadalmar or Torremolinos, including a snack, some sunbathing and a swim.



The beach at Guadalmar [Wikipedia]    

© The Spanish Fly


Further Links:

Mini-break in Malaga - Help me, Ronda

The best and worst of the Western Costa del Sol - Eye on Spain



DTI, El Confidencial, Facebook, Hertz,, Malaga Hoy,, Trip Advisor, Wikipedia


"Andalusian Crush", Bauhaus, Cádiz, Cádiz City, Cantabria, Carrefour, Casco Antiguo, chiringuito, City of Dreams, Ciudad Soñada, Conforama, Cuenca, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla-León, DTI, El Confidencial, Eye on Spain, Facebook, Frigiliana, Fuenterrabía, Guadalmar, Guadalupe, Guipúzkoa, guiri, Hertz, Hondarribia, IKEA, La Cala, La sexta, Leroy Merlin, Málaga,, Málaga Hoy, Marbella, Mijas Pueblo, Nerja, "Promoting Málaga", Ronda, Salamanca, San Sebastian, Santander,, The Spanish Fly, Torre del Mar, Torremolinos, Trip Advisor, Wikipedia



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FITUR 2025 - promoting Málaga- Part I
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Some fifteen towns and villages in Málaga province were represented at Fitur 2025 in Madrid last month. I know them all. They range from the sublime to the ridiculous.

FITUR is an important trade fair held annually in Madrid. Tourism bodies from around the world attend and set up “stands” to promote their “wares”.


    Fitur 2025 [Photo: Diputacion de Malaga]


Málaga province had a major presence. In January 2025 15 towns and villages were represented under the umbrella heading "Andalusian Crush".



Fitur 2025 [Photo: Diario de Sevilla]    


Malaga presented some 15 towns and villages at Fitur 2025.

Part I takes a look at the first tranche (below), while Part II, coming soon, will "run a slide-rule" over the remainder.

Click here for Part II.


"Promoting Malaga" - Part I

Málaga’s top spots

I wouldn’t really quibble with any of the places promoted, although one or two are conspicuous by their absence, eg Cómpeta, Frigiliana, Torrox and Málaga City itself, although the first three come under the Axarquia (qv).




Frigiliana, Malaga [Photo: Malaga Hoy]    



This important Roman settlement sits at the crossroads of southern Málaga. Sort of in the middle of nowhere, it rises majestically above the surrounding area.

The Alcázar atop the Casco Antiguo is a delight. A working town Antequera is popular with tourists but not over-run. It is home to important archaeological remains, and boasts a delightful modern parador within walking distance of the town.


Roman Antequera [Photo: 20Minutos]    



This is a largely rural area to the north-east of Málaga City. It includes the following towns which all featured at FITUR 2025:



Cards on the table! I love Nerja. I shouldn’t, as it’s full of foreigners, both residents  and tourists, but I can overlook them.

I’ve been to Nerja many times and with many different people: two wives, a girlfriend, family and friends – not together, I must stress.

I love the coast, the caves of Nerja, the old town and the ambiente.


Nerja, Malaga [Photo: La Sexta]    



NERJA - A LITTLE GEM - Help me, Ronda


Rincón de la Victoria

This is a surprisingly large coastal town and very Spanish. I don’t know it particularly well as it’s somewhat shabby and neglected. But as in all Spanish towns the vibe is good.



I’ve been to Vélez two or three times.

My English colleague, John, who became my buddy, bought a house here after he left teaching (sound familiar?).

I visited a few times. Vélez is not particularly attractive, yet I understood why John and his wife Maggie chose it. Really down-to-earth, and right up John’s street.


Vélez-Málaga [Photo: KAYAK]    


A brilliant luso-hispanist (Portuguese and Spanish) John left teaching and set up his own translation agency in the aftermath of  a cycling accident, which left him physically disabled.

John sadly died of cancer aged just 59 in 2010.


OUR DAY OUT - on the Costa del Sol - Help me, Ronda



The first time I went to Benalmádena, to attend my Welsh cousin’s birthday booze-up (Dai was touring there with his male voice choir from Neath, South Wales), we couldn’t find the Welsh bar where the event was being held. I asked several passers-by but none of them were Spanish. We eventually found the bar and had a nice time.

We were not impressed with this large British-infested tourist resort.


Welsh pub, Benalmadena [Facebook]    


I’ve since passed through, and occasionally stopped, and it seems to be "on the up”. The council is spending some money to upgrade and move the town up-market.


Costa del Sol Occidental

The western Costa del Sol, ie to the west of San Pedro de Alcántara, is much less built up than the eastern bit,

This stretch includes Casares and Estepona. After that we’re in Cádiz province, so beyond the scope of this article:



There are two settlements: Casares up in the mountains, some 30 minutes from the coast, and Casares Playa.

I’ve been to Casares Pueblo several times. It’s a beautiful, if hilly, place. Again, two wives and a girlfriend, have accompanied me there and it’s always good.

Casares Playa only came onto my radar when friends Nick and Julia – he English, she Hungarian – bought a holiday home there.

It’s front-line and on a peaceful and private urbanizacion (gated community).

Casares Pueblo [Photo:]    


We’ve visited Nick and Julia a few times and even got to stay for a few nights free of charge as “payment” for a service rendered.


Away Days on the Costa del Sol - Help me, Ronda



This is a bit of a jewel in the crown. An older established resort it has a fabulous main beach, a delightful fishing harbour and other smaller coves. Its Old Part is to die for and it has a classier feel than, say, Benalmadena, Fuengirola or Torremolinos.

Only my two wives have been here with me. Jeryl, the kids and I first came here on a day trip from Ronda, after we had bought an apartment in the City of Dreams in 2001. We loved it!



Estepona main beach [Andalucia Rustica]


Many years later, I have been a couple of times with Rita and she doesn’t like it at all! I still do, however, and can happily while away time there on my own.


ESTEPONA - Help me, Ronda


© The Spanish Fly



Bars and Restaurants at or near railway stations in the Serrania de Ronda - Help me, Ronda

GAUCIN - El Balcon de la Serrania - Help me, Ronda

GENALGUACIL - El Pueblo Museo - Help me, Ronda

MALAGA CITY - Help me, Ronda

My Top 10 places to Visit around the Serranía de Ronda and Beyond - Help me, Ronda

SERRANIA DE RONDA - Help me, Ronda



Andalucia Rustica, Diario de Sevilla, Diputacion de Malaga, Facebook, KAYAK, La Sexta, Malaga Hoy,, Wikipedia



"Andalusian Crush", Andalucia Rustica, Axarquia, Benalmadena, Casares, Casares Playa, Casares Pueblo, City of Dreams, Costa del Sol, Diario de Sevilla, Diputacion de Malaga, English, Estepona, Eye on Spain, Facebook, Fitur 2025, Fuengirola, Help me Ronda, Hungarian, Jeryl, KAYAK, La Sexta, Malaga Hoy, Nick and Julia, "Promoting Malaga", Rita, Ronda, San Pedro de Alcántara, Secret Serrania,, The Spanish Fly, Torremolinos, Wikipedia


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British tourists are abandoning Spain and holidaying elsewhere, some tour operators warn.
Thursday, January 30, 2025

The United Kingdom has been the main country of origin of tourists visiting Spain for decades. All year round, people from the British Isles have been coming to Spain and her islands in search of warmer temperatures.

However, according to some tour operators, this is changing.


What’s the story?

TUI, one of Europe's largest tour operators, argues that the British are starting to forsake Spain as their main destination, and have already found other places to go.

“More people go to Egypt in winter instead of to the Canary Islands," says Sébastien Ebel, director general of the TUI Group. For many tourists affordability is crucial, and Ebel notes that more and more travellers are operating on a budget.

"We also quite often see new customers who have less income but still want to travel and have a budget of €1,000 or £800 per holiday. If they don't see it in Spain, they look for alternatives and find them," he says.

With rising costs, capacity issues, and protests against mass tourism in Spain, places like Egypt and Tunisia are becoming attractive to those who want to save on their winter sun holiday.

"There is a shift taking place, especially in the family segment, towards more economical destinations," Ebel added.


EasyJet Holidays has also seen an increase in demand for less frequented destinations, such as Egypt and Morocco.

Its chief executive, Garry Wilson, attributes this trend to significant improvements in hotels and infrastructure, making previously neglected areas much more attractive to international visitors.






So, will this mean that popular holiday destinations in Spain will be quieter?

Will you be able to rent a sunbed if there are fewer British holidaymakers?

Will there be less drunkenness and bad behaviour in The Balearics and The Canary Islands?





Will we residents be able to move around more easily in cities like Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastián, Granada, Sevilla and Málaga? 

    Playa de La Concha, San Sebastian [Photo: Trip Advisor]


And in popular towns and villages like Ronda, Arcos de la Frontera, Estepona, Grazalema, Gaucín, Setenil de las Bodegas, Zahara de la Sierra, Nerja and Salobreña? And that’s just Andalucía!

We shall see …..

    Puente Nuevo, Ronda [Photo: EWN]


© The Spanish Fly


Photos and Images:

Euro Weekly News, How to Buy in Spain, Reuters, Trip Advisor, Wikipedia



20minutos, Andalucía, Arcos de la Frontera, Balearics, Barcelona, British holidaymakers, British tourists are abandoning Spain, Canary Islands, drunkenness, easyJet Holidays,  Egypt, Estepona, Garry Wilson, Gaucin, Granada, Grazalema, Madrid, Málaga, Morocco, Nerja, Puente Nuevo, Ronda, Salobreña, San Sebastián, Sébastien Ebel, Setenil de las Bodegas, Sevilla, Spanish Fly, tour operators, Travel Guru, TUI, Tunisia, Zahara de la Sierra



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Where are all the Brits going?
Sunday, December 22, 2024

British tourists are abandoning Spain and holidaying elsewhere, some tour operators warn.

The United Kingdom has been the main country of origin of tourists visiting Spain for decades. All year round, people from the British Isles have been coming to Spain and her islands in search of warmer temperatures.


However, according to some tour operators, this is changing.


What’s the story?

TUI, one of Europe's largest tour operators, argues that the British are starting to forsake Spain as their main destination, and have already found other places to go.

“More people go to Egypt in winter instead of to the Canary Islands," says Sébastien Ebel, director general of the TUI Group. For many tourists affordability is crucial, and Ebel notes that more and more travellers are operating on a budget.

"We also quite often see new customers who have less income but still want to travel and have a budget of €1,000 or £800 per holiday. If they don't see it in Spain, they look for alternatives and find them," he says.

With rising costs, capacity issues, and protests against mass tourism in Spain, places like Egypt and Tunisia are becoming attractive to those who want to save on their winter sun holiday.

"There is a shift taking place, especially in the family segment, towards more economical destinations," Ebel added.


EasyJet Holidays has also seen an increase in demand for less frequented destinations, such as Egypt and Morocco.

Its chief executive, Garry Wilson, attributes this trend to significant improvements in hotels and infrastructure, making previously neglected areas much more attractive to international visitors.






So, will this mean that popular holiday destinations in Spain will be quieter?

Will you be able to rent a sunbed if there are fewer British holidaymakers?

Will there be less drunkenness and bad behaviour in The Balearics and The Canary Islands?

Will we residents be able to move around more easily in cities like Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastián, Granada, Sevilla and Málaga? 



[Photo: Trip Advisor]


And in popular towns and villages like Ronda, Arcos de la Frontera, Estepona, Grazalema, Gaucín, Setenil de las Bodegas, Zahara de la Sierra, Nerja and Salobreña? And that’s just Andalucía!

We shall see …..




Puente Nuevo, Ronda [Photo: EWN]


© The Spanish Fly


Photos and Images:

easyJet, Euro Weekly News, How to Buy in Spain (HTBIS), Reuters, Trip Advisor, TUI, Wikipedia



20minutos, Andalucía, Arcos de la Frontera, Balearics, Barcelona, British holidaymakers, British tourists are abandoning Spain, Canary Islands, drunkenness, easyJet Holidays,  Egypt, Estepona, Garry Wilson, Gaucin, Granada, Grazalema, Madrid, Málaga, Morocco, Nerja, Puente Nuevo, Ronda, Salobreña, San Sebastián, Sébastien Ebel, Setenil de las Bodegas, Sevilla, Spanish Fly, tour operators, Travel Guru, TUI, Tunisia, Zahara de la Sierra



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Calling all digital nomads
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Why not spend the winter in the beautiful Serrania de Ronda?


You can do your work whenever it suits, and enjoy the mountains, the valleys, the caves, the scenery and the coasts, as well as stunning Ronda and the wide variety of pueblos blancos in the area.


Casa Real, Montejaque

Available from 1 January 2025 as a fully equipped space for digital nomads.


STOP PRESS! CASA REAL, MONTEJAQUE, has had a makeover. It has got bigger and is now available as a DIGI-HOUSE.

Casa Real in Montejaque (Málaga) now sleeps six plus an infant. It has also been reconfigured into a DIGI-HOUSE, fully equipped for DIGITAL NOMADS.


The owners have turned the large Burgundy Room into a family room with two single beds, space for a cot and a designated office area.


The Ochre Room is similar, with two single beds and an office area.



The Green Room offers a double bed, wardobe, and a dressing table.


With its open-plan lounge, dining room and kitchen; two modern bathrooms; shady internal patio and roof terrace with views, this is the ideal spot for one (or two) digital nomads to spend the winter and spring in this beautiful pueblo blanco.


Each workspace with its own private bathroom is in a separate part of this large house. The living areas, ie lounge, dining room and kitchen are shared, as is the internal patio and the large roof terrace.

The house benefits from fast fibre-glass WiFi.

Literally, one minute from the square (if that) this tastefully restored 19th Century village house is well-priced.

Well located near the village square in MontejaqueCasa Real is traditional in style, with two modern bathrooms and kitchen.

It currently sleeps six adults, plus one child by agreement.

Montejaque is a pretty pueblo blanco in the Grazalema Natural Park, and just 20 minutes’ drive from Ronda.

We live nearby so are on hand to meet you on arrival, to orientate you and to be available throughout your stay for any queries or to solve any problems. Between us we speak English, Spanish, German and French.

Because we renovated it ourselves to be a second home, Casa Real, Montejaque is a cut above your average rental. The house offers comfortable living throughout. It is well furnished with lots of personal items belonging to us.

Officially registered with the authorities as a vivienda rural, Casa Real, Montejaque has to meet strict standards of comfort and safety and is regularly inspected.

Nº: VTAR/MA/03565

As a result of the pandemic, the house is also subject to a set of Covid-19 protocols, which are strictly adhered to.

In addition, the house is thoroughly cleaned between lets by our faithful cleaners, Luisa and/or Yaisha.

We provide disinfectant gels as well as soap in both bathrooms and in the kitchen/living area.

You can stay and work in Casa Real, Montejaque confident that you are staying in one of the cleanest places in town.

There is free WiFi, a Bluetooth speaker, a CD player/radio and a DVD player and a television in the lounge and two of the bedrooms.

Casa Real, Montejaque has been imaginatively designed to retain many traditional features but with modern bathrooms and kitchen.

The house allows guests to get the best out of the surrounding area and the wonderful climate.

The large L-shaped lounge, dining room and kitchen retain many original features. This leads into the hallway which in turn leads to the patio, the downstairs bathroom, the laundry room, and the stairs to the first floor and The Ochre Room and office space number 1.


Up the main stairs is a large bedroom, named The Burgundy Room, with two single beds, a built-in wardrobe, a dressing table, office space number 2, and a wall-mounted flat-screen TV. There is room for a cot/child’s bed.

The third bedroom, The Green Room, has a standard double bed, 2 bedside tables, dressing table and a wardrobe.

All beds have brand-new mattresses.

There is a second bathroom and stairs leading to the roof terrace.


The roof terrace affords a 360° view of this most beautiful of the pueblos blancos of the Serranía de Ronda, as well as the emblematic mountains Hacho and Tavizna and the surrounding valley and olive and citrus groves.

The roof terrace has been extended to three times its former size. There are six comfortable reclining chairs, a large table, a sunbed and two sun umbrellas and, also, a built-in barbecue.



The traditional patio downstairs is completely private and perfect for shady al fresco dining. There is a table, six chairs and a sun umbrella, as well as a lovely, scented jasmine.

As a self-catering house, you’ll find everything you need for a perfect working environment.

The kitchen is fully equipped with a large fridge/freezer, electric hob and oven, kettle, coffee maker and microwave oven. It is fully stocked with oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs and spices, coffee, tea, infusions, sugar, etc.



The two modern bathrooms are brand new.

The upstairs bathroom has a WC, bidet, washbasin, vanity unit and a full bath with shower over.

The downstairs bathroom is a wet room with WC, bidet, washbasin and a walk-in rainfall shower.


There is a separate laundry room with a brand-new washing machine and traditional Spanish pila or sink.

Linen and towels are all included to make your stay more complete.

House rules:
Check-in time is from 3 pm and check-out is 10 am.
Smoking is not allowed, except on the roof terrace.
Free on-street parking is available throughout the village, as well as two municipal car parks (also free).
Pets are not allowed at the property.
Strictly no parties allowed.

There is also a selection of board games, playing cards and jigsaw puzzles for you to enjoy.

Cleaning before and after your stay is included in the price. Extra cleaning and fresh bedding and towels can be provided for a nominal charge of €50.

Prices (fully inclusive – no extras*)


1 month = 1,200€ all inclusive

2 months = 2,000€ all inclusive

3 months = 3,000€ all inclusive


NOTE: These prices only apply from 1 January 2024 - 31 March 2024


Prices include electricity, water, gas, pellets and final clean.

*Extra cleaning and fresh bed linen and towels are available on request for an extra charge of €50 per time. Otherwise, you can take care of your own laundry.

Payment is by transfer to our Spanish bank account, or monthly in cash. Details will be provided when you make a booking.


Like 0        Published at 7:49 PM   Comments (0)

Sometimes newspapers get their timing horribly wrong!
Friday, November 8, 2024

In the wake of the devastating floods in eastern and southern Spain, two English-language newspapers published in Spain have managed to get it wrong this last week.


[Photo courtesy of 20 Minutos]

Both SUR in English and The Olive Press featured supplements promoting tourism in Andalucía and the Guadalhorce Valley, just as la DANA was wreaking havoc in those very areas.


The Olive Press

First to The Olive Press, which is published fortnightly. Their latest edition, printed on 30 October, and published the following day, included a supplement on the Guadalhorce Valley. And very good it was too, with articles about the villages which border this important river, walking routes in the surrounding hills and advertisements for a range of products and services.

    [Image courtesy of Facebook]


Unfortunately, as the printing presses were whirring, the villages of Álora, Cártama, Pizarra and Alhaurín de la Torre were suffering massive flooding causing damage to houses, shops, businesses and crops, as well as parts of the local infrastructure. A British man died in his flooded house in Alhaurín de la Torre.

Clearly, it has not been as catastrophic as in the Valencia region, Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia, where over 200 have died and many are missing.

At the weekend la DANA moved north and flooded parts of Cataluña, including Barcelona, Castellón and further south Torrevieja.


SUR in English

Published on Thursday of last week, 31 October, the paper included a 70-page insert promoting the whole of Andalucía, including places that suffered flooding, such as Málaga, several coastal resorts, Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera and Sevilla.

To spare their blushes, the weekly paper, published in Marbella, had prepared the supplement to take to FITUR, the World Tourism Event held in London this past weekend. Andalucía had a stall and were there to promote this area of southern Spain.

    [Image courtesy of SUR in English]



Look, it was unfortunate that the worst weather event in more than 100 years should occur now.

The information in both supplements remains valid, and the stricken areas will recover.

I recommend Andalucía highly. That's why I live here!


© The Spanish Fly



CADIZ -¡Que maravilla! - Help me, Ronda

In Love with SEVILLA - at last! - Help me, Ronda

Spanish authorities face massive backlash from people in flood-affected areas

The King and Queen, and the prime minister attacked by flood victims in Valencia

Valencia flood victims to receive €250m in financial aid to help recover from disaster



20 Minutos


SUR in English

The Olive Press



20 Minutos, Alhaurín de la Torre, Álora, Andalucía, Barcelona, Cádiz, Cártama, Castellón, Castilla-La Mancha, Cataluña, DANA, Facebook, FITUR, Guadalhorce, Jerez de la Frontera, London, Málaga, Marbella, Murcia, Paul Whitelock, Pizarra, Sevilla, SUR in English, The Olive Press, The Spanish Fly, Torrevieja, Valencia, World Tourism Event,

Like 0        Published at 10:15 PM   Comments (1)

BE ADVISED! If you’re a British resident in Spain and you haven’t got a TIE, GET ONE QUICK!
Tuesday, November 5, 2024

By The Spanish Fly

The British Foreign Office is urging all British people living in Spain to ensure they have exchanged their old residency cards for the TIE card (Tarjeta de Identidad Extranjero) as soon as possible, warning that problems lie ahead for those who don’t.



It is essential UK residents here in Spain have a , as many still don’t. TIE stands for Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero.

I changed mine some while ago and it’s invaluable. It looks just like a Spanish ID card and is a valid form of identification. I no longer carry my British passport around. It’s at home in a drawer in my study.

Being a Spanish resident of some 15 years standing, I am not subject to the 90-day rule, so I am not required to have my passport stamped when I leave or enter Spain, and the TIE is proof that that is the case. When this procedure was first introduced I found I had to explain it all to the nice border police at Malaga Airport, but now they’re used to it and just wave you through.

According to the British Embassy in Madrid, in June of 2024, 200,000 British residents in Spain still had not exchanged their old green ID cards or paper certificates for the new biometric TIE identity cards.

With the new EES system about to come into force next year, travelling anywhere out of the Schengen area, even briefly, British people without a TIE could suffer big problems trying to return.


What is the EES?

EES (Entry/Exit System) is a Schengen zone system run by the EU in order to make the external Schengen border more secure.

It is an IT system operated at all Schengen borders, and it will apply to all non-EU nationals who do not need a visa to travel. It does not change any of the rules on immigration; it simply makes their enforcement more rigorous.

Certain EU member states have previously applied more discretion, but now they will be obliged to be much stricter, especially with regards to the 90-day rule. The date for its implementation is early 2025.

EES will replace passport stamping with an electronic record.

This will consist of biometric data, such as a biometric photograph, which will create an electronic file for you, and then that data sits in the EES system for 3 years.

The file will record the exact time when a person has entered the Schengen zone and activate an automated calendar ticking away in the background, which can be consulted online.


Is EES different from ETIAS?

ETIAS is an acronym for the European Travel Information and Authorisation System. It was created in September 2018 and is designed to improve the security of EU member states within the Schengen area. It captures data on travellers that visit the 26 countries within the Schengen Area without the need for a visa.

It’s important to note that ETIAS is not a visa, it’s a visa waiver, similar to an ESTA required for entering the USA. 

ETIAS is similar and will apply to UK nationals. This will come in at some point after EES. Therefore, any website currently offering to get you an ETIAS is a fraud, so be warned.


Why should it matter to you?

If you are registered as living in Spain, you are exempt from the EES system, but only if you are a holder of a TIE card, which already contains your biometric data.

Without a TIE, you will be put into the EES system. That could be a problem because the automatic calculator will start ticking for you and the system will think you have outstayed your welcome in Spain and is likely to cause you problems.

No one knows yet what those problems will be, but in a worst-case scenario, it could mean a Schengen travel ban and a court case to get back into the EU again.


For this reason, if you have not got a TIE yet, PLEASE APPLY without further delay. Go to the Foreigners Desk (EXTRANJERIA) at your nearest Policia Nacional office, if you live in a town or city, or to the Guardia Civil, if you live in a village.

Better, get a move on.


How to get a TIE?

You can apply for a TIE card (or exchange a green card) at your local Policia Nacional/Guardia Civil or immigration office in Spain.

You will need the following documents to apply:

  • completed application form
  • proof of payment (at a bank)
  • proof of address
  • visa
  • three passport sized photos
  • your NIE number.


Please note that children must also be registered and obtain their own TIE.


© The Spanish Fly


Useful links:

HOW TO …..apply for a replacement TIE



Adam Woodward

Euro Weekly News

Paul Whitelock



Ambassade de France en Espagne

European Union


Passport Info



90-day rule, Adam Woodward, Ambassade de France en Espagne, automated calendar, biometric, British Embassy in Madrid, British Foreign Office, electronic record, EES, Entry/Exit System, ETIAS, European Travel Information and Authorisation System, European Union, Euro Weekly News, Guardia Civil, HOW TO …..apply for a replacement TIE,, immigration office, LegalTeam, NIE, Passport Info, passport stamping, Paul Whitelock, Policia Nacional, TIE, Tarjeta de Identidad Extranjero, The Spanish Fly,

Like 2        Published at 7:50 AM   Comments (0)

New winter flight schedules from Malaga Airport
Saturday, October 26, 2024

As we put our clocks and watches back in the early hours of Sunday morning, so the new flights to and from Malaga Costa del Sol Airport get underway.

AENA, the airport authority, has announced a record number of flights, with more routes than ever before. Malaga is the third busiest airport in Spain after Madrid (Barajas), and Barcelona (El Prat de Llobregat).


Photo courtesy of Solvilla Real Estate


Winter schedule

Malaga will connect to 128 airports in 30 countries with direct flights this winter.

Some 42 airlines have scheduled a total of almost 10 million seats to fly to and from Malaga Airport during the low season which starts on Sunday 27 October.

This will add five new destinations compared to 2023.

Airport operator AENA has indicated that all the signs for the winter are positive and highlights that 42 airlines will connect Malaga Airport with 128 destinations in 113 cities in more than 30 countries.

These airlines are reinforcing their presence by offering 9.7 million seats to fly to and from the Costa del Sol. This figure represents an increase of 8.2%. The volume of flights scheduled by the airlines for this period will also grow by 7.2% to 54,800 landings and take-offs.


Photo courtesy of Malaga Car Hire


The airlines are concentrating most of their efforts on Europe and Spain, although they are still committed to growth outside these areas.

In Europe, the airlines have programmed 10% more capacity, bringing together 7.5 million seats out of the 9.7 million total. In fact, of the 207 total routes that Malaga Airport will have this winter, 172 are links with European airports, according to AENA.



In terms of markets for movements between Spanish cities, the airlines have increased their offer by 2.1% more flights.  

Outside Spanish borders, there are strong increases in air capacity with Germany, with 11.4% more seats and 10.6% more operations; Italy, with 30.8% more seats and 26.7% more movements; and the Netherlands, with 12.6% more seats and 8.3% more operations.

Other countries with more flights and seats include Austria, Belgium, Norway, and Poland.








UK in the lead

The United Kingdom is unbeatable and remains the market most connected to Malaga, accounting for 44 of the 207 total routes and concentrating 1.9 million seats and 10,000 operations, representing an increase of 7.3 and 8.4%, respectively.

There will be direct flights to and from Belfast, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Cardiff, East Midlands, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London (all airports), Manchester, Newcastle, and Newquay.


Other countries

There are also lots of flights to France and Germany, which is good for The Spanish Fly, as he and his German missus visit Germany often.

Next Easter we are flying to Marseille for a family holiday near Avignon.


© The Spanish Fly




Pilar Martínez

SUR in English



AENA, Austria, Barcelona, Belfast, Belgium, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Cardiff, East Midlands, Edinburgh, El Prat de Llobregat, Exeter, Germany, Glasgow, Italy, Leeds, Liverpool, London (all airports), Madrid, Malaga, Manchester, Netherlands, Newcastle, Newquay, Norway

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