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The Spanish Fly - Travels in Spain

The Spanish Fly is a nom de plume of Paul Whitelock who first visited Spain at the age of 20. Now more than 50 years later, he has been to most parts of the country, including nine of the 12 islands. He has owned property in Andalucia since 2001 and has lived in the region for the last 15 years. This blog is a Travelogue about some of the places he has visited.

A Walk on the Wild Side – of Montejaque
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Montejaque is a village in the Sierra de Grazalema, part of the Serrania de Ronda. This pretty pueblo blanco of fewer than 1000 inhabitants is just 20 minutes by road from its more famous cousin Ronda, the largest town hereabouts.


An introduction

Montejaque is popular with walkers and birdwatchers from all over the world. Indeed, a small number of foreigners – forty or so – have made the village their permanent home. A similar number own properties here and visit when they can from their home countries.

The last time I looked there were homeowners/residents from Austria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Gibraltar. Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philppines, Poland, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, USA, Wales, Zimbabwe.


A Walk on the Wild Side

There are a large number of walks which either start in the village or which are en route from other places.

One of our favourites is just outside the village on the Sevilla Road. Called the Cañada Real de Los Alcorconales it is a protected footpath through private land. The route is largely shaded by cork oaks and other trees. There is a huge lake, a disused bandstand and a huge range of flora and fauna. It is silent apart from birdsong and the breeze rustling the leaves of the trees. It’s marvellous.


My Montejaque Story

I “discovered” Montejaque in August 2000, when I stumbled upon it with my wife Jeryl during our silver wedding anniversary tour of Andalucia. We liked Ronda and Montejaque and by the following year owned an apartment in Ronda.

Two years later, early retired and with little to do, I/we bought a do-er upper in Ronda. Over the next couple of years, I rewired the house, repaired a collapsed floor, fixed the roof, re-designed the kitchen and built a large private terrace at the rear.


                                                                                                   Plaza de la Constitucion, Montejaque

                                                                                                                                            (Photo: Karl Smallman)


We were regular visitors to our two Ronda bolt-holes, which we also rented out to tourists.

We got to know Montejaque pretty well during that time, as we were continually attracted to the village. After all, it had been a contender for our investment money back in 2000/2001.

Move forward a few years, a divorce and two unsuitable girlfriends behind me, lightning struck. On a weekend break in Ronda in September 2008, I met and fell in love with the lady who has been my wife now for some 13 years.

A German, resident in Montejaque, the Meter Maid, as I like to call her (you can work out that her name is Rita and that she is lovely!*), was living in Montejaque.

I emigrated at the end of 2008, and we lived in her house in Montejaque for nearly three years. We wed in 2010 and a year later we found the home of our dreams in the countryside just outside Ronda.

Rita kept her Montejaque house which we used as a holiday rental.

In 2020 I sold my apartment in Ronda and invested in an old village house in Montejaque, which, with a handful of local casual workers for the technical and tricky bits, I did up. This is also a rental house, which has recently been put up for sale.



                                                                                                                         For sale: Casa Real



Montejaque is a great village, and we love the time we have spent and do still spend there.

Our Walk on the Wildside is just one of the many great walks in the area. For more information about routes check out:

“Walking in Andalucia” by Guy Hunter-Watts [Cicero Press]

“Walking in the Ronda Mountains” by Tony Bishop and Eva Bratek [Editorial La Serrania]


© The Spanish Fly



1. *Beatles’ song “Lovely Rita, Meter Maid” from the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967). Listen to it here: Bing Vídeos

2. Casa Real for sale:

PROPERTIES FOR SALE - Help me, Ronda (




Ayuntamiento de Montejaque

Karl Smallman

Paul Whitelock



Austria, Ayuntamiento de Montejaque, Birdwatchers, Canada, Cañada Real de Los Alcorconales, Cicero Press, Editorial La Serrania, England, Eva Bratek, France, Germany, Guy Hunter-Watts, Ireland, Karl Smallman, Meter Maid, Montejaque, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pablo de Ronda, Paul Whitelock, Poland, pueblo blanco, Rita, Ronda, Scotland, Serrania de Ronda, Sierra de Grazalema, silver wedding anniversary tour, South Africa, Switzerland, Tony Bishop, USA, Wales, walkers, Walking in Andalucia, Walking in the Ronda Mountains

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