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The Spanish Fly - Travels in Spain

The Spanish Fly is a nom de plume of Paul Whitelock who first visited Spain at the age of 20. Now more than 50 years later, he has been to most parts of the country, including nine of the 12 islands. He has owned property in Andalucia since 2001 and has lived in the region for the last 15 years. This blog is a Travelogue about some of the places he has visited.

"Surfer Girl"
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 @ 10:01 AM

"Surfer Girl" was another big hit for the Beach Boys - see also "Surfin' Safari". Madita, who is visiting us from Germany after finishing her "Mittlere Reife" (16-plus exams), was just that yesterday on the Costa de la Luz - a true "surfer girl".



Madita with her "Omma" Rita


A two-hour introductory surfing lesson was our gift to our 16-year-old granddaughter for doing so well in her exams, so off we went to El Palmar near Vejer de la Frontera. The sea was a bit rougher than the surfing teachers like for beginners, yet Madita made great progress and managed to stand up on her board several times, which is apparently unusual for first-timers. Hence my name for Madita - "Surfer Girl".




Rita helps Madita into her wetsuit


Her teacher, a long-haired surfing dude called Victor, was very attentive, full of good teaching techniques and with a positive and encouraging manner.

Despite being exhausted, Madita really enjoyed the experience and is already talking about coming back to "surf" again next year.

After a relaxing normal swim and a brief sunbathe, we packed up our beach kit - sunbeds, sun umbrella, towels and cold drinks - and headed back to the car.


Madita with teacher Victor


Now it was time for a late lunch / early dinner, before the two-and-a-half-hour journey back to Ronda. We headed for San Francisco, a beach-side fish restaurant that we knew from previous visits to El Palmar.

Madita is a committed vegetarian, by the way, ie no meat or fish.

We were given a warm welcome by our waiter Carlos, who pointed out dishes that could be adapted into vegetarian ones. We ordered drinks and then our food. Rita opted for vegetarian too, in order to support her grand-daughter.

They shared crema de salmorejo Cordobés con taquitos de jamón ibérico, with the ham pieces removed. Salmorejo is a thicker version of gazpacho. For mains they went for alcachofas de la huerta de Conil con salsa romesco y papada ibérica with the papadas (cheeks) removed. Madita also ordered a portion of french fries (chips, to a German, are what we British call crisps).




alcachofas de la huerta de Conil con salsa romesco y papada ibérica


I eschewed a starter and went for calamar de potera a la plancha con vinagreta de cebollino y pistachos o relleno a la antigua (a whole squid stuffed with goodies and grilled and accompanied by a long thin batter tube filled with vegetables). The best calamar I've ever had in my 50 plus years of visiting / living in Spain.





calamar de potera a la plancha con vinagreta de cebollino y pistachos o relleno a la antigua


The bill came to just over 100 euros - not bad for the quality we had enjoyed and the number of drinks (seven).

We headed home - Rita's turn to drive - with just one stop for a toilet break. We were back for 9.20 pm and a refreshing swim, followed by showers to get rid of the sand.

After that we shared our pictures and films of the day and sent a selection off to Madita's mum and dad.


© The Spanish Fly



Alcarasurf SL

Cadiz a la carta

Paul Whitelock

Rita Whitelock



Bing Vídeos - "Surfer Girl"

Casa Francisco El de Siempre – Restaurante en el Palmar

Features III - costa de la luz - COSTA DE LA LUZ - Help me, Ronda (

The Spanish Fly - Travels in Spain (

surfin safari beach boys - Búsqueda (



alcachofa, Arcos de la Frontera, Beach Boys, Cadiz a la carta, calamar, El Palmar, escuela de surf, gazpacho, Germany, La Troupe, Madita, Medina Sidonia, Mittlere Reife, Paul Whitelock, Rita, Rita Whitelock, Ronda, salmorejo, surf, "Surfer Girl", "Surfin' Safari", Vejer de la Frontera


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