Graffiti capital of Spain? Sounds grim, huh? But no, since Banksie in the UK and Arikaio, Okuda and Víctor Fernández in Spain, graffiti has become respectable.
And Ronda has just been chosen as one of the half-a-dozen or so towns in Spain to be designated by La Liga Nacional de Graffiti and one of only two in Andalucía.
Ronda and Graffiti
Over the last few years there have been some ten or so examples of this form of urban art which have appeared mostly on gable ends, throughout the City of Dreams. And all of them official, and backed and sponsored by Ronda Council.
Over a few days last week, several artists could be seen painting a series of a dozen murals on a retaining wall at the top of Calle Sevilla, just before the turn-off to the polígono industrial (industrial estate).

Photo: Diario Ronda Photo: Málaga Hoy
Here are the completed murals:

All photographs by Paul Whitelock, unless otherwise credited.
About Ronda Roundabouts (and murals) (
© The Culture Vulture
Diario Ronda
Málaga Hoy
Paul Whitelock
Diario Sur
Paul Whitelock
Ronda Semanal
Vanessa Melgar
Arikaio, Banksie, City of Dreams, Diario Ronda, Diario Sur, Graffiti capital of Spain, Málaga Hoy, Okuda, Paul Whitelock, Ronda Semanal, Vanessa Melgar, Víctor Fernández,