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The Culture Vulture

About cultural things: music, dance, literature, theatre and local events.

Ronda in the international news
Saturday, October 26, 2024 @ 11:35 AM

By The Culture Vulture in Ronda


Ronda (Malaga) is the centre of attention at the moment. The inauguration of a new “installation” by the famous French designer and architect Philippe Starck in a prominent position overlooking the valley has created interest regionally, nationally and internationally.


Philippe Starck [Photo: El Pais]



Philippe Starck was commissioned by the organic olive oil farm LA Organic to create a memorable “sculpture” on their premises just outside Ronda.


The striking building has references to bullfighting, olive oil production, Pablo Picasso and much more. The structure houses an exhibition of art, an olive oil press, a cata (tasting) and a restaurant.






LA Almazara in Ronda [Photo: Areall]



Grand opening

The LA Almazara was inaugurated last week by dignitaries from across the region, including Juanma Moreno, president of the Andalucia regional government, the mayoress of Ronda, Maria de la Paz Fernandez, as well as the artist, Philippe Starck himself.







The opening [Photo: Diario Ronda]



Media coverage

There have been articles in both Spanish, English, French and German at international, national and regional level about this important addition to the Ronda scene, in ABC,,, El Pais, El Periodico,, Forbes magazine,,, La Vanguardia, Cadena SER, Telecinco,,, charryTV, Diario Sur, Diario Ronda, Ronda Semanal,, Malaga Hoy, Vanity Fair, VivaSevilla, as well as, MSN, SUR in English and The Olive Press (pending).

It is regarded as something of a coup for the City of the Tajo to obtain an original piece of work from such a prestigious artist as Philippe Starck.


© The Culture Vulture


Contact information:

LA Organic Experience

Carretera A-367 km 39, LA Organic, 29400, Ronda (Málaga) · 05 km

650 88 72 47

Guided tour including tasting 20€



Abre al público la espectacular almazara diseñada por Phillippe Starck en Ronda | Gastronomía: recetas, restaurantes y bebidas | EL PAÍS

Así es la almazara vanguardista de Philippe Starck que abre sus puertas en Ronda

Cuando Philippe Starck se enamoró de Ronda | Vanity Fair

El arquitecto francés Philippe Starck estrena una almazara vanguardista en Ronda

El diseñador y arquitecto Philippe Starck estrena una almazara vanguardista en Ronda (Málaga) para la compañía LA Organic

Inauguran la almazara ecológica diseñada por Phillippe Starck | Diario Ronda

La Almazara creada por Philippe Starck en Ronda abre al público

La Almazara de Philippe Starck: un proyecto de 22 millones en Ronda

LA Almazara, la primera almazara de autor del mundo, diseñada por Philippe Starck, abre en Ronda (Málaga)

LA Almazara, la primera almazara de autor del mundo, diseñada por Philippe Starck, abre en Ronda (Málaga) - Forbes España

LA Almazara, Ronda

La espectacular almazara picassiana diseñada por Phillippe Starck en Ronda

La primera almazara de autor del mundo, del arquitecto Philippe Starck, está en Ronda (Málaga) | Sociedad | Cadena SER

Philippe Starck, apasionado de España y del aceite, estrena su vanguardista almazara | Ronda Semanal. Noticias de Ronda

phillipe starck curates radical, minimalist 'LA almazara' in andalusia

Philippe Starck estrena su vanguardista almazara

Philippe Starck inaugurará LA Almazara el próximo 18 de octubre

Philippe Starck in Ronda LA Organic

Philippe Starck's organic olive oil mill experience in Ronda is now a reality | Sur in English

Philippe Starck Ronda - Erlebnis für die Sinne

Philippe Starck y su obra en la Serranía de Ronda: LA Almazara

The French architect Philippe Starck opens a avant-garde oil mill in Ronda (Málaga)



ABC, bullfighting, Cadena SER, charryTV, City of the Tajo,, Culture Vulture,, Diario Sur, Diario Ronda,, El Pais, El Periodico,, Forbes magazine, French architect,, Juanma Moreno, LA Almazara, LA Organic, La Vanguardia, Malaga Hoy, Maria de la Paz Fernandez, MSN,, olive oil, Pablo Picasso, Philippe Starck, Ronda, Ronda Semanal, Serrania de Ronda,, SUR in English, Telecinco, The Olive Press,,, Vanity Fair, VivaSevilla

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