If you think of animals, yes those of little voice,
Self-centred, sometimes killers, but beasts have little choice,
Now man is yet a different breed, who apes his beastly friends,
Exceeds their every avarice but rarely makes amends.
Man’s territory he covets, he hungers yet for more,
As vicious as the wolverine, as beastly as the boar,
Yet beast shall kill to get his fill but then shall rest and play,
Whilst man will kill then kill some more, it is his beastly way.
There’s little that shall set apart the man from vicious beast,
Apart from killing mere for fun when he has had his feast,
Scheming and disloyal, in ever search of wealth,
Man alone will kill for gold and often kill by stealth.
There is one little difference, it earns man’s special place,
A single small advantage, regardless of his race,
For man alone has conscience, the voice of life and God,
But when he doesn’t hear it he exists as under sod.
Michael (Walsh) 15.08.13