The earth comes up ,the earth goes down,
But the sun stays still whilst spinning round,
The twirl of earth at dawn brings light,
When turning world puts night to flight.
To say the sun goes down at eve,
Is but another make believe;
As rooster thinks its screech at dawn,
Awakes the sun to rise each morn’.
The sun wheel spins but hangs quite still,
But pirouettes the earth at will;
To wake and rest we live and sleep,
We all mark time as years creep.
We never see the grass grow down,
Nor autumn when the seed is sown?
When snow descends from southern clime,
Then clocks back spin to tell the time.
So mourn ye not the resting sun,
When swallows soar and day is done,
The sun shall never set on me,
The earth, not sun shall set on thee.
Michael Walsh 24.08.2013