The Solstice Garland
And you shall be my autumn maid; in winter, springtime too,
From dawn’s soft light at waking till the sky is Solstice blue,
When morning flowers are beaded wet then I shall weave the leaf,
A fine tiara for my maid, the blooms to make a wreath.
There is no Vainag crown, my maid, for single you can’t be,
You are truly my betrothed and soon will marry me,
So I will crown you Queen of Heart, the garland soft as down,
Each summer’s bloom is chosen pure from pasture’s summer gown.
The orchid is bewitching, to symbolise your lure,
The lilies and the crocus for a love that will be pure,
The daisies are the diamonds; I will pluck the jasmine too,
To thread through summer’s garland that I choose for only you.
No maid on earth can equal be to maiden sweet who married me,
In garland crown upon her hair,
That I shall weave for you;
Your coronet of bluebells, of Pasque so lilac blue,
Will crown the summer’s blessings and the love I have for you.
Michael (Walsh) 15.09.13)