The Free Man
The herd it thinks one thought alone,
A million strong but not its own,
The instinct to conform at cost,
Of conscience and a soul that’s lost.
Ten million minds that others own,
Sheep to polling booth they’re thrown.
King of one to better be,
Than lost in herd and bend the knee,
If herd should have one dream alone,
Then let them fight like dog and bone;
No cattle droving press shall make,
A lesser man of me.
Eccentric, odd, the rebel thought,
Without such folk the world is nought,
No toady who will sell his soul,
Will see his name on parchment scroll.
The shackled man seeks quiet life,
Zest for change brings toil and strife,
A lion for a day I weep -
Than cautious life in flock of sheep.
Michael (Walsh) 13.09.13