Sad Ticks the Clock
Monday, October 7, 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Sad Ticks the Clock
The clock is ticking sadly, for me it’s drumbeat shrill,
That penetrates my every waking thought,
Like a man condemned to meet his fate it will not let me go,
My goals to swindle fate have come to nought.
You can’t deny the ticking clock but I wish it not so loud,
It strikes in steady rhythm with my heart;
It tells a sad lament that my time with you is spent,
And we’re once again where we were once at start.
Those steady moving hands are relentless in their chore,
The ticking strikes my heart with every blow,
Each tick is sad recall of when we gave our all,
When every ticking-tock was sweetly slow.
Michael (Walsh)
25. 09.2013