A Double Bed for Sale
A double bed is now for sale, no option for return,
But other things I’m lost as what to do.
Where do I place the bedding, the pillows and duvet?
Intended like my heart for only you.
The table I shall keep but the chairs I need just one,
Perhaps if placed elsewhere my friends suggest.
There’ll be wine and more to spare, far more than I can bear,
I think another’s home would be the best.
There’s a wardrobe standing empty, surplus to my needs,
I offer it for sale and bought as seen,
The fragrance still inside, how it wounds my foolish pride,
A king is but a knave without a queen.
Things beyond my need but who needs such sweet recall?
The price tags will be neither here nor there,
Small things we took for granted but now of such import,
And most of all a heart that’s going spare.
How do I sell aromas breathed so sweetly every night?
Your scent so much a part of inner me.
Reorganize mementoes, the pictures put away,
Am I a slave to past or wander free?
Michael (Walsh) 04.10.2013 quite_write@yahoo.co.uk