Saturday, November 9, 2013 @ 1:43 PM

Dressed to Kill
No beast of field, no fish nor fowl,
Shall be that different be,
As man and woman often are -
And as they’ll always be.
The lion and the lioness,
The queen and worker bee,
Or monkey sat on branch with mate,
They look the same to me.
But woman in mascara,
In lipstick sets afire,
The helpless male, her prey tonight,
Seduced by love, desire.
The mantis has her way with male,
Then takes the shorter kill,
Whilst ladies in their ardour ways,
Prefer the longer thrill.
Divine the female shape is suave
So different, poles apart,
A woman’s sleek, so tender, meek,
Whilst he has harder heart.
A stylish woman, coiffure, dressed,
Eye-liner, dressed to kill,
May bring a coarse man to his knees,
And bend him to her will.
A much less likely pair they are,
She’s sweet and shaped divine,
But he is hard in tongue and mode
He’s beer, she’s sparkling wine.
Peacock and dull hen reversed,
But ladies dress to kill,
They hold the looks of lesser years,
When he is over hill.
Michael (Walsh) 08.11.2013