Sleep and Dream
Sleep but stay awake in dreams and may your thoughts reveal,
A part of you denied to us, who can’t know how you feel.
Sleep but stay awake this night, but dream as dream you must,
Those stars that shine so bright tonight are sacred angel dust.
Sleep but keep your secrets too, they’re yours, they are unique,
And may you dream from dusk to dawn and feel the dreams you seek,
Sleep when all the world’s in bed, but you shall dream with me,
We two shall wander love-lit paths where dreams shall set us free.
Sleep and dream as angels do with harmony and grace,
To radiate divinity from sweet your sleeping face,
Slumber thine, for you are mine from twilight to the dew,
That when your future is your past might I have shared it too.
Michael (Walsh) 21.11.2013