The Poet’s Pen Shall Sketch Tonight
Your image is before me as I pen these words tonight,
My ink engraves the contours of your breast,
The inkwell inspiration from the maid who won my heart,
Whose outline is my ever present guest.
My pen will keep a tryst tonight with Venus all in name,
The ink will flow from eyes and breast to thighs,
To write where’s crowned by navel, a sonnet or a rhyme,
My lyrics to a lover’s sweet reprise.
The poet’s heart is yours alone for poet’s dreams can see,
What lesser men shall ne’er be party to,
His pen will trace the faithful line of curves when naked free,
His heart-soul shapes the silhouette of you.
Allow my pen cascade tonight through maiden flowing hair,
From tummy crib to full and curving breast,
My pen to write the silhouette of clinging dress like vine,
Until the wee small hours when poets rest.
Christmas Eve. 2013
Michael Walsh