I Gave Away my Son Today
I gave my son away today; I had no heavy heart,
Grab the moment, this is it, today’s a fresh new start.
It wasn’t his to say goodbye, in truth he never knew;
That once I’d given him away; I simply can’t undo.
No regrets, that’s life I said; he’s now another’s boy,
Someone else can take his hand; their everlasting joy.
I’ve done my bit and that is it, my goodness I am free,
I’ll never see that child again; for now I’m free, so free.
And yes I’ll sometimes ponder, and maybe I shall sigh;
Did he live a life like me, or did perhaps he die?
Should I care or care I not, each romance has its price;
Some I win and some I lose, but that was rather nice.
I wonder if at bedtime, when story time is past;
If troubled thoughts about his dad be put to sleep at last,
Oh, perish thoughts, I’ve had my fun and yet there’s more to come;
For dads can walk away and live, the children they’re for mum.
I gave my child away today, I simply walked away,
Another night of boyish fun, today’s another day;
But I can hardly ever know, nor can I understand,
I lost much more than honour when I had that one-night stand.
Farewell, My Legs
You have carried me far enough, my friends,
It is time for us to part –
I can’t remember back enough to when we made a start:
I know that I was tiny, and had just begun to walk;
You took me everywhere since then;
I had yet to learn to talk.
I will be on my way, one fine day;
We are near our journey’s end,
Then you’ll go your way, I’ll go mine,
My true and noble friends;
But when my soul has taken flight;
Perhaps one blissful starry night,
Then you will rest ‘neath coffin lid
Unknowing of the things you did.
You carried me onwards to my doom,
You’re all I could desire;
You walked with me from womb to tomb;
Where legs are not required;
So rest at peace, my two fine feet;
And turn your toes up proud,
To face the skies where I have gone,
When sleeping in your shroud.