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Still Discovering Spain...

Here for over 25 years and I still discover new things every day...

Creepy Crawlies in Spain that BITE!
Thursday, July 24, 2014 @ 5:30 PM

Apart from bears, wild boars, packs of wolves, sharks and some crazy drivers. Spain has other dangerous and small nasty creatures on offer. Here are a few people should be aware of and their children and pets in particular should be protected from. The Procession Caterpillar, Mediterranean Scorpion, Snake, Spiders, and Fire Salamanders  to name a few, although to be honest I've been here many years and I am yet to see many of them.....but they are out there!


Caterpillars (Processional Pine Caterpillars) :

Pine Caterpillars (Latin name thaumetopoea pityocampa) are probably one of the most unpleasant creatures you will find in Spain, certainly in areas where pine trees grow in abundance. They are found throughout the warmer regions of Southern Europe, the Near East and North Africa. As well as causing much damage to pine forests, they are a major danger to animals and, to a lesser degree, human beings.

Do not touch them. Warn your children that they are not like the friendly English caterpillars. The very fine hairs on these creatures are poisonous and most dangerous. They can be seen living in silk cocoon style nests hanging in the pine trees to which they are most harmful, stripping them of their pine needles. When hungry, they leave their cocoon to seek another uninfested tree on which to feed. They travel nose to tail in a line, hence the name Processional. They are most noticeable from January to mid April and are at their most dangerous in mid/late February. The caterpillars are often seen in the evenings, walking in procession from tree to tree.

If they drop onto you or your pet, don't brush them off with your hands because the effect is most unpleasant, causing great irritation, rash and pain. Dogs, cats and people can suffer from shock. The hairs of the caterpillars are still virulent even when the creatures are dead. Do not hit them with sticks because hairs flying in the air are just as dangerous. Burn them, but be careful of floating hairs. If the caterpillars are in the tree cocoon state, first spray the nest with hair spray (to seal down the hairs), cover the cocoon and the affected part of the branch with a plastic bag, cut down the branch, place it on clear ground and burn it.

If the caterpillars are on the ground marching, it is better first to spray them with lighter fuel and then set them alight. This reduces the risk of flying hairs.
Take care to only do this where you cannot inadvertently start a forest fire because during the summer months the undergrowth and trees are very dry.

If you live near pine trees, it is recommended that you keep Anti Histamine tablets handy as an early treatment. In particular, avoid ingesting the hairs. Dogs are most at risk by sniffing the ground where the caterpillars have marched.

Take particular care with your eyes. If affected the result is serious, causing pain and swelling similar to a bad case of conjunctivitis.

Treatment: If a person or animal shows signs of shock, get them to a doctor, hospital or vet immediately.

If you have children and are considering buying property, take the above details into consideration.


Mediterranean Tiger Centipede – Escolopendra tigra :

Found throughout Southern Spain and North Africa. The Mediterranean Tiger centipede is largest in Europe and can grow up to 150mm in length. The centipede’s markings change, depending on location.

Generally they are yellow with black stripes, hence the name tiger. Nocturnal and venomous; they can give a nasty bite. Rarely lethal, unless algeric to the venom, their stings are none-the-less extremely painful and require medical assistance. They were given a toxic rating of two.


Mediterranean Scorpion (Buthus Occitanus - Escorpion Amarillo) :

The most common scorpion in Spain is the Mediterranean scorpion (Buthus occitanus, escorpión amarillo or just alacrán) and though its North African cousin is more dangerous, it will still give you an extremely nasty sting. You might want to think about wearing boots and thick socks if you plan to hike in dry rocky areas (most of wild Spain) as they are by no means rare. The female will make a meal out of the male if food is short on the ground. The European black scorpion is also present in Spain, preferring more northerly and wetter areas. It's sting is short-lived. Scorpions have a bent for resting in your shoes, so be careful.

The European Black Scorpion (Euscorpius Flavicaudis) :

Mainly in the northern part of Spain. The sting is very painful but not deadly to humans.



There are a total of 13 snakes present in Spain of which five are venomous. These are:

Seoane’s viper (Vipera seoanei – víbora de Seoane)

Asp viper (Vipera aspis – víbora áspid)

Snub-nosed or Lataste’s viper (Viborade lataste – vibora hocicuda)

False smooth snake (Macroprotodon cucullatus – culebra de cogulla)

Montpellier Snake (Malpolon monspessulanus – culebra bastarda or de Montpellier)

Seoane's viper lives in Galicia, León, the Cantabrian coastal strip (Cornisa Cantábrica) and the Basque Country. Confusingly some authors class Seoane's viper as a subspecies of the common viper or adder (Vipera berus - víbora europea) and, more confusingly still, some experts believe both exist in northern Spain.

The Asp Viper is restricted to the Pyrenees. Lataste's viper or the Snub-nosed viper is present throughout the rest of the Peninsula , though like most snakes, nowhere is it common. It takes it's name from the prominent horn between its eyes. It is grey, short (around 50cm) and is distinguished by its triangular head and the zigzag pattern on its back, although this varies amazingly from one individual to another. It lives in dry, rocky areas, away from human habitation,

The other two snakes are not so dangerous, but watch out for the 2-metre long Montpellier snake. It is blue with a white underbelly -don't go picking one up to check- and has prominent ridges over the eyes. However, the position of its venom fangs means that you would be unlucky to have poison injected into you, and if you are, its venom is much weaker then the vipers.

If you are bitten by a snake, remain calm and seek medical attention immediately. Bites only occur in the spring and summer as snakes hibernate. Of the estimated 50 snakebite deaths a year in Europe, only 3-6 occur in Spain, so don't worry too much. More people die from bee and wasp stings. The Canaries are snake-free, and only the milder False smooth snake is found in the Balearics, probably introduced there by the Romans. 

Spiders :

There are more than 1,700 species of spider in Spain but only three are in way harmful to us. By far, the most dangerous is the black widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) which gives a medically-complex and painful bite though it is not fatal. They are commonest in Valencia and Andalucía, and they are a problem in the greenhouse estates of Almeria .

The sting of the black widow, along with hysteria, was often responsible for the condition of ‘tarantism’, though at the time the much less-potent but more fearsome-looking true tarantula or wolf spider (Lycosa tarantula) was blamed. Wolf spiders are no relation to the much larger bird spiders of South America which have inherited the name, and their sting is weak. The hysteria began at some time during the Middle ages in Taranto in Southern Italy from where it spread out, reaching Spain in the 15th century. Victims were cured by making them dance to a frenzied music: the tarantela. As late 1875, the Spanish Royal Faculty of Medicine was recommending such antics. Other techniques for expelling the spider demon were less kind to the victim. In Corsica , the victim was placed in a sweltering oven, while on the Island of Hierro in the Canaries sufferers were treated with ‘internal doses of human excrement'. Old world tarantulas (wolf spiders) are found in arid zones such as Los Monegros in Aragon.

Their bite can be painful but not dangerous. However it is the Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) and the Recluse spider that can cause most pain.

The Black widow is Spain’s most venous spider and considered to be one of most dangerous in Europe. The black widow is found throughout Andalusia. A close relative of Australia’s red black spider and is very similar in appearance.

With its black body and distinctive red spots, thirteen of them in total. The male spider usually measures 10mm, while the female is around 15mm – body length. Generally nocturnal, the spider’s prey tends to be other insects and but has been known to occasionally eat small rodents. The black widow spider has a particularly toxic venom, which can prove fatal. Its toxic rating was three.

The Recluse Spiders are found in parts of Spain but are less virulent than in other parts of the world and is not lethal. Bites from this spider cause a tender blister to develop, characteristically with a “bull’s eye” appearance (a red centre). At the time a person is bitten, it is often hardly noticeable and it can be several hours before the venom to takes effect. Then, it is very painful.




Fire Salamanders

(Salamandra salamandra)
Very distinctive don’t get to close to this creature, it can discharge poison.

The Mosquito (Culicidae)

Encephalitis, Yellow fever, Malaria can be passed on via painful bites and now in Spain the bites can be even more painful thanks to the arrival of the Tiger Mosquito. The Tiger Mosquito is said to be aggressive, attacks in the daytime and resides in gardens. It can transmit a list of major diseases, Including Nile fever and Dengue.


Sand Flies (Leishmaniasis)

Normally found in gardens or wooded areas not as the name suggest exclusive to beach areas.
They are most active from dusk till down 2am to 4am August is the worst month. Painful bite and are dangerous to pets. Dogs can get Kala-Azule past on from dog-to-dog via its bite. A collar called ‘Scalibor’ can be worn to protect your dog and give over 90% protection from sand fly bites. The world health authority is researching into the possibility that the disease can be passed on to humans.



As in most hot countries, Ticks are prevalent in Spain and they can transmit nasty diseases to your pet such as canine Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis. They can cause dogs and cats incurable damage which incurs lifelong administration of drugs. There is as yet no known cure. If you find one on your pet, if you find a tick attached to your skin, there's no need to panic. There are several tick removal devices on the market, but a plain set of fine-tipped tweezers will remove a tick quite effectively. According to the "Centre for Disease control and prevention" this is the procedure:

How to remove a tick

  1. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible.
  2. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don't twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.
  3. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water.
  4. Dispose of a live tick by submersing it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet. Never crush a tick with your fingers.


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johnhiggy said:
Saturday, July 26, 2014 @ 8:15 AM

Thanks for this - very useful.

nsm3 said:
Saturday, July 26, 2014 @ 8:43 AM

You forgot to mention the Developers!

bob tait said:
Saturday, July 26, 2014 @ 9:03 AM

DO use a proprietary tick removal tool.
DO NOT try to burn the tick off, apply petroleum jelly, nail polish or any other chemical. Any of these methods can cause discomfort to the tick, resulting in regurgitation, or saliva release.

migueldelnorte said:
Saturday, July 26, 2014 @ 10:57 AM

It's certainly worth being aware of what could cause harm, but as you say at the beginning of the article, they are not often seen.
After 25 years in Spain, both south and north, I've seen only 5 from your list:
Processional caterpillars (very common we found in Málaga provice but less so in the north);
Ticks everywhere especially where lots of animals such as sheep or goats are to be found and in wooded areas, (when walking, hats and long trousers possibly even tucked in will help you avoid picking one up - they can cause Lymes Disease in humans - very nasty with severe long term consequences unless treated with antibiotics very soon after being bitten by an infected insect;
Seoane’s viper quite often in the garden in Galicia but never aggressive and they do keep down the vermin,
Fire Salamanders, which despite the name are frequently found in damp situations, (unless they have a related species in the north) and finally the Montpellier Snake.
This last one can be very colourful in blue and yellow patterns but must have poor eyesight - the 6 ft specimen I found was trying to make friends with a yellow garden hose. However, you certainly don't need to pick one up to check for white on the belly! They can rear up like a cobra and emit a very loud hissing when annoyed sounding a bit like like a rattle snake - very distinctive indeed. However, unless you offer them a finger, they can't really bite you with their poison fangs, not that I would venture to give them the chance. This one was given a new home many miles away from any houses.
I must add that I don't like the sound (no pun intended) of the Tiger Mosquito which does seem to be causing a lot of concern these days. I'm not sure if it's got this far north in Spain yet, but with global warming increasing our temperatures, it won't be too long I suspect. Pass me the insect repellant, please!

El Mac said:
Saturday, July 26, 2014 @ 12:07 PM

Jumpin Spiders and Jellyfis?

Pesto said:
Saturday, July 26, 2014 @ 3:58 PM

The funnel web spider, less venomous than the australian one, lives in andalucia, (and my garden in San Pedro de Alcantara.) Also known as the spider of the cork forests. Upto 7 cm across.

dunworkin said:
Sunday, July 27, 2014 @ 6:00 AM

hmmm.......maybe I'll rethink this immigration idea!

Scubydoo said:
Sunday, July 27, 2014 @ 6:20 AM

The caterpillars are rife on the Costa Blanca we have seen hundreds of them, but all you have to do is keep away from them.

observer said:
Sunday, July 27, 2014 @ 7:21 PM

An excellent article and fine photos; many thanks! The only suggestion to make it better; if anyone could help with all the Spanish language names for these critters; and local, and/or layman's names for them could be helpful as well.

Stella said:
Monday, July 28, 2014 @ 4:09 PM

Am I right in thinking that if living on the second or third floor of an apartment block, I wouldn't be seeing any of these horrible insects ? At least not inside the apartment. We are contemplating retiring to Andalucía in 2017 but I am a bit scared of creepy crawlies.

migueldelnorte said:
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 @ 12:37 AM

Actually, Stella, you might want to come to Spain to get away from some of the poisonous insects and reptiles that occur in the UK.
The following British species of spider can give painful bites with swelling and other possible symptoms:
Tube Web Spider, found in the South of England,
Black Lace Weaver Spider found in rural areas all over England,
Mouse Spider,
False Widow Spider,
Huntsman Spider, fortunately rare as bite can be serious,
Black Widow Spider (same as in Spain) and Exotic sac spider. These last four are regularly imported with fruit into the UK.
Other indigenous poisonous species which have been oficially verified include : False widow spider (2 more species), Woodlouse spider, Walnut orb-weaver spider, Lace weaver spider, Rustic wolf spider, Bark sac spider, Stone spider, Cross or garden spider, Bruennichi's Argiope, Money spider.
The UK has its fair share of stinging insects too but they are more of a nuisance unless you are allergic when they can even prove fatal.
Then also England has its own processionary caterpillars from the oak processionary moth - these feed on oak trees but are as much of a hazard as the ones in Spain. Found in south and west London, Croydon, Bromley and Berkshire, the caterpillars have thousands of tiny hairs that contain a toxin that can trigger itchy skin rashes, sore throats, breathing difficulties and eye problems on contact.
The Tick causes up to 2000 cases of Lyme disease in the UK as well, making it probably the most dangerous insect of all.
As for snakes, the adder is widespread in rural areas of the UK.
Wherever you are on the planet there exist creatures than could cause you degrees of harm but your chances of this happening are pretty unlikely, especially if you have an awareness of them, their habits and their habitat. Certainly in your flat in Spain, you would be as safe as in the UK, so don't let these creepy crawlies deter you from coming out to Spain, please. The purpose of this article was to provide information, I'm sure, and not fear. For example, the salamander or hairy caterpillar could easily be picked up by those ignorant of its danger, such as a child.
Paradoxically, the most likely fatal incident would involve a large mammal and a car with reportedly 10 human deaths per year in the UK from some 75,000 collisions with deer alone according to the British Deer Society.

baldilocks said:
Saturday, August 2, 2014 @ 12:05 PM

Re: Bob Tait's comment:
"DO use a proprietary tick removal tool.
DO NOT try to burn the tick off, apply petroleum jelly, nail polish or any other chemical. Any of these methods can cause discomfort to the tick, resulting in regurgitation, or saliva release."
I would read this as saying "DO NOT try to burn the tick off, NOR apply petroleum jelly, nail polish nor any other chemical." However, it could easily be read by others as "DO NOT try to burn the tick off, BUT apply petroleum jelly, nail polish or any other chemical." and this is wrong.

BUT how does this sit with Mac's "it is suggested that the tick should be doused with alcohol or spirit. "

migueldelnorte said:
Saturday, August 2, 2014 @ 12:21 PM

Current veterinary thinking would agree with Bob Tait : Use of a proper tool or blunt tweezers and NO chemicals including alcohol. There is a very good short film showing just how to remove ticks from your dog on Youtube:

mac75 said:
Sunday, August 3, 2014 @ 10:37 AM

As opinions are mixed on whether alcohol should be used or not, and with no intention to misinform, I have removed that text and replaced it with the recommended procedure published by the CDC.

bryanhornett said:
Friday, October 31, 2014 @ 5:06 PM

I found a spider in the garden which I am told is dangerous. It has an abdomen of about 1 cm length with gold and silver stripes on the dorsal surface and black or brown markings on the undersurface. It is quite attractive really. Any ideas? and is it dangerous?

Maureen Owen said:
Saturday, November 1, 2014 @ 2:41 AM

I saw a red/orange spider with a white cross on it on the golf course at Santa Clara (Otura Granada) yesterday. It had quite a fat body about one inch and little legs - ugh! But quite colourful and very scary.

migueldel norte said:
Saturday, November 1, 2014 @ 10:23 AM

bryanhornett - your spider does not seem to be among the list of regular poisonous Spanish spiders, but there are of course imports, too. It could possibly be a St Andrews Cross Spider, so called because it forms that cross by hanging upside down with its legs arranged in pairs - it has yellow stripes. It's non-aggressive and not very toxic and anyway eats mosquitoes and flies so considered beneficial. If you enter "images dangerous spiders spain" into Google, you'll get a site with hundreds of pictures to look through. Maybe you'll find your little beastie there.

Maureen Owen - This sounds like the Cross Spider, Araneus diadematus, also known as European garden spider, Diadem spider, or Cross Orbweaver

Description: The Cross Spider or Garden Spider is a very common and well-known orb-weaver spider in Western Europe. Individual spiders can range from light yellow, to orange-brown or dark grey, but all European garden spiders have mottled markings across the back with five or more large white dots forming a cross. Usually, the cross-like markings are quite visible. The mother puts eggs in a small cocoon, which looks more like a little web.

How big are they? Adult females range in length from 6.5 to 20 millimeters, and the males are 5.5 to 13 millimeters long. Their bite is said to be slightly unpleasant only and not poisonous.

Paul said:
Monday, November 3, 2014 @ 12:20 PM

We live in the hills of Almeria, surrounded by Almond groves and we get a few interesting visitors, the most prevalent are the Millipedes, we have dozens of them crawling across the road when it rains, they try to get as high as possible from the water, so tend to crawl up the garden walls. scorpions and tiger centipedes and the odd snake are also seen occasionally, but they do tend to scarper as soon as they are seen.

Pat Henshaw68 said:
Saturday, November 22, 2014 @ 12:18 PM

I think I'll take my chances and come to Spain - a fascinating article thank you very much it is useful to know what to avoid.

Happyexpat said:
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 @ 4:40 PM

We have small black spiders that can jump quite a long way. The sting from these is very painful but does not appear to be fatal or long term (I'm still here LOL). Does anybody have any idea what they are, unsurprisingly the expats up here in Alicante just know them as 'jumping spiders'

migueldelnorte said:
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 @ 8:40 PM

Hi Happyexpat,
Apparently there are about 75 varieties of jumping spider in Spain, but they all seem to belong to the same family, Salticidae. Many of them are black, but one of the most common is the Zebra, which is found in Britain, Europe and N.America. This is black with some white hairs, hence the name. Have a look at Wikipedia for more on them plus pictures. The jumping spider typically does not attack humans unless they feel threatened or in danger and normally aren't found indoors, which is good news.
Allegedly, the only way a jumping spider bite may be hazardous is if the person bitten is allergic to spider venom, and because of that it is extremely important to consult medical attention when bitten by a spider, especially if the spider is unidentified. Even if you've stood on the spider collect the remains to help the doctor to identify the spider in case anti venom is needed for treatment.
However, I have also read of a case in Almeria a couple of years ago where serious bacterial infection set in afterwards nearly causing loss of limb. So, yes, seeing the doctor is a good idea!
But again, bear in mind that these spiders are not just found in Spain, so things are not any worse here than say in the UK.

Debbie Wenn said:
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 @ 1:44 PM

Just come back fr Costa blanca, my husband was bitten on the golf course by what he thinks was a spider whilst looking for his golf ball in undergrowth and brushing a spiders web. That was 7 days ago, a small itchy dot appeared which has since become a very swollen finger, open sore wound and very red on his whole hand. We think it is the recluse spider, he is on antibiotics, research on Internet is quite frightening as he now has the flesh eating bacteria in the wound. French doctor isn't too experienced on if it is the spider bite. Do these spiders exist on the Costa Blanca? Thought they are native to the US?

migueldelnorte said:
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 @ 2:20 PM

I'm sorry to say that although the Brown Recluse Spiders (genus Loxosceles) are typical to the Southern and a few other states of the US, they are definitely to be found in Spain. This variety is less poisonous fortunately. However the bite can cause the introduction of bacteria often already present on the skin deep into the wound. The problem is that at the time of the bite, usually one does not realise that it has happened, so it's too late to catch the spider for identification and to get the right anti-toxin or get the bite cleaned properly. The bite from this spider causes a tender blister to develop frequently with a red centre and it can be several hours before the venom takes its painful effect.
According to a repot in the British press in 2014, a spokesman for the British Arachnological Society said “The bite doesn’t cause the problem, it’s the infection as the wound isn’t cleaned properly.”
Good luck - it sounds horrible.

steve said:
Friday, February 5, 2016 @ 2:44 AM

Great artical, however i would include the weever fish that lurk all along Spains coastal waters waiting for some poor soul to step on one and then wish they had worn wellies whilst paddling. The pain is at best severe and at worst according to some reports, life threatening. Be warned !!!

Natalia said:
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 @ 7:21 PM

Omg I'm going to Spain soon!! What if the spiders bite me or I meet snake or scorpian!!!?? How can people live there??? I'm so scared!!!!!

Rob said:
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 @ 9:42 AM

You may die if you come I would cancel LOL

sharon hollingdale said:
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 @ 4:28 PM

I have just moved over to the Costa blanca villa martin by the golf course, I walk my dogs every morning around 9ish not expecting to see so far a jumping spider that got sucked up the hoover a very large lizard around two foot long that ran across in front of me and nearly frightened me to death, a very large grasshopper that clung to my leg and this morning I found a small viper curled up on the pavement not sure if it was dead but have been lucky enough to get a picture of it, I have only been here for a month and I am now very weary when out walking.

Sergi said:
Saturday, June 25, 2016 @ 9:13 PM

"The world health authority is researching into the possibility that the disease can be passed on to humans." sounds as if they are developin the method of passing them onto humans

Sergi said:
Saturday, June 25, 2016 @ 9:25 PM

No insect repellents are effective against the tiger mosquito which is very frequent here, in Alicante area, actually against any mosquitoes, the only method i found effective is just mechanical killing. I tried all repellents locally available, and ordered all of the repellents available at USA but none worked. Mosquito seem to take please biting exactly in the processed body areas. Ergo, the only effective method is a mosquito net. They bring in something indefinite, a worm, i guess, this worm brought by them with animal blood, moves in circulation system until it dies, which is quite unpleasant, usually meaning blisters appearing suddenly along the way of the vein, until you open them with a needle, may be i am wrong but i read about this worm on websites of an eastern european health organization, and an acquaintance of mine had this problem, she just cut herself with knife to release the blisters until it disappeared...

Wendy said:
Thursday, July 14, 2016 @ 12:15 AM

Just been staying in hotel in Santiago de Compostela, first night seemed to get bites, reception plugged in a device in my room- said it was for mosquitos. Second night bite on bottom of foot, itched like mad, went to bed, slept poorly because of foot and other itches- then had bight on wrist and finger- hotel said a spider, welt on arm swollen, red ulcer type blisters (3) on one finger and then 1 on another finger

Had to get train to Bilbao, now applied Bactroban and cortisone cream and ice.

Doctors are closed, hospital a long way away- should I worry?

migueldelnorte said:
Thursday, July 14, 2016 @ 11:32 AM

Wendy, it sounds like you might have been bitten by bed bugs, which are increasingly common in occupation shared by a lot of people and with high turnover, such as hotels.
Apparently the initial bites may resemble mosquito bites. However these bugs do not inject anything dangerous and although a bad reaction may be had by some people, the worst is usually caused by scratching the itch and introducing an infection that way.
Check out the following site and see if the symptoms fit. There are other insects also covered on the site plus recommended treatment. Good luck.

Sarah said:
Friday, July 7, 2017 @ 10:57 PM

Hi I am just making an enquiry, my friends were in ibiza recently, well may. They were in the beach apparently and she felt this pain, her husband pulled out a sting which by all accounts was sticking out if her flesh, she was in absolute agony abdbhad a burning sensation. Since this encounter with whatever it was she has had blistered all over, a rash again in various places has been very unwell, and been to go more times than we can count. Her hands and feet swell so much that she has to take her shoes off as they were cutting into her flesh and she ended up having to keep the shoes off to drive home . She is poorly and has three blood tests for various things from rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. All negative thank goodness. Her GPS have said they don't know what's causing all these problems. Blisters on her eyelids and hands st. Is there anything that could cause this sort of thing a few things after the sting please. I am trying to find out so she can say to Dr. Thank you

Marita said:
Thursday, November 30, 2017 @ 10:49 PM

I am living in Southern Spain and I noticed tiny dots on the white tiled floor. They were tiny creatures that moved quickly when threatened. Now I found 3 in my hair and my head itched all night What are these creatures that came easily through our mosquito screens? Marita

Chez said:
Sunday, June 3, 2018 @ 2:30 PM

In the last 2 days, we've had two snakes, one, a 1.5m viper, and a verybig,fay, Montpellier, that was long and very fat, and was hissing extremely loudly! We left them alone, as we also have a Rat and the
snakes were possibly hunting for it.
This morning I was picking some sweetpeas, and spotted a black spider with red dogs on it, I knew from the colours it would be a nasty bite, so knocked it off and trod on it! No way was i risking my four dogs getting bit by it.
Stumbled over your site when searching for poisonous spiders in spain, very informative! We've lived in Spain for almost 20years, the first 4 near Alicante, then we moved to the countryside just outside of Valencia City. Best move we ever made! Wild Boar, Eagles, vultures the wildlife is amazing and we don't have to move from the patio to see it! Life's great!

E said:
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 @ 6:09 PM


Kieran davenport said:
Friday, November 27, 2020 @ 12:08 AM

Hi, I love in the center of palma, this year I have had 2 scorpions in my house, mediteranian scorpions, 1 my daughter stepped on my accident killing it without bitting her, the other dropped from the ceiling, probably from the air con, landing in my wife's hair, again, no bite, unfortunately it died in a pot of covid gel.. Point being, scorpions around but they don't generally bite you. None of my friends have ever seen them..

Spider Facts said:
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 @ 6:55 PM

So much misinformation here.

The only medically significant spiders in the Mediterranean region are the Mediterranean recluse (Loxosceles rufescens) which is proven to have a necrotising enzyme in its venom (sphingomyelinase D), and the Mediterranean black widow (Latrodectus tridecimguttatus).

The Gibraltar funnel-web (Macrothele calpeiana) has a very limited range, and likely has a painful bite due to its size, but it is NOT closely related to the Australian species, they are in two different taxonomic families, as different from each other as we are from other primate families.

Jumping spiders are absolutely harmless.

You SHOULD NOT ASSUME a "bite" is from a spider unless you saw the culprit in the act. Spiders do not feed on us and would only bite in defence when mishandled or crushed.
Do not trust a doctor to identify a supposed "spider bite".

Any bite/cut/sting/graze can become infected by the bacteria that lives on our skin. Bacterial infection is far more dangerous than any European arachnid/insect.

Insects like mosquitos, bed bugs and horse flies are equipped with the mouthparts and sensory organs to seek and bite us, they require blood to reproduce. Spiders do not.

Humphrey-neil said:
Sunday, July 31, 2022 @ 10:54 PM

Centipedes will often go to ground in your bedroom.
Pushing the 'kill' button, double-sided taped will trap them.
After that a slipper or shows dispatches, unless someone can recommend a sticky tape glue ungluer...

Humphrey-neil said:
Sunday, July 31, 2022 @ 10:54 PM

Centipedes will often go to ground in your bedroom.
Pushing the 'kill' button, double-sided taped will trap them.
After that a slipper or shows dispatches, unless someone can recommend a sticky tape glue ungluer...

Humphrey-neil said:
Sunday, July 31, 2022 @ 10:55 PM

Centipedes will often go to ground in your bedroom.
Pushing the 'kill' button, double-sided taped will trap them.
After that a slipper or shows dispatches, unless someone can recommend a sticky tape glue ungluer...

Humphrey-neil said:
Sunday, July 31, 2022 @ 10:55 PM

Centipedes will often go to ground in your bedroom.
Pushing the 'kill' button, double-sided taped will trap them.
After that a slipper or shows dispatches, unless someone can recommend a sticky tape glue ungluer...

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