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i see roda has their own rental site now
they are a bit pricey but it may be good for owners to show renters this site so they will realise what a bargain they are getting from all of us ;-)
maybe we are too cheap?
_______________________ OUR APARTMENT 
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Hey Arky,
You are definitely too cheap, yes you must have the rentals like the rest of us, however you are pushing the prices down instead of up, nice web site you have.
This is still a building site, but the facilities are great, better than anywhere else around Roda and the location is great, right next to the airport and the beach and with the beach club opening next month, you are selling your property cheap if you are charging anything less than 500 pounds per week.
Good luck with all endeavours.
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hey marv.
i know we are all too cheap, but the fact is unless we stick together with pricing then someone is always going to keep reducing to get rentals.
we are by no means the cheapest.
personally i would like to start around the 400 mark for low season up to 500 high.
i think thats about right for the stage the resort is at.
but when completed i dont see why it cant be double.
but the thing is, as long as one person stays low then it reflects on the rentals for everyone.
but with so many people renting it would be impossible to hold prices, especially with prices of flights on the increase.
i think over time as roda gets marketed it will move to the higher end of the rental market, then prices will stabalise.
heres to the future ;-) This message was last edited by arky25 on 6/25/2008.
_______________________ OUR APARTMENT 
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morning all,
I have to disagree with the prices, how can people on Phase 3 (people like me) charge top money and then expect renters to complete a 25 minute walk to the club house. We can't walk across the club house so the long way round is the only way.
Top money can't be charged by the likes of us until Phase 4 is complete or a route is sorted for us on phase 3 to make the walk is only 5 minutes.
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I agree with Arky I think his prices are pretty average unfortunately.
Roda may well be charging top dollar but as far as I can make out they are not getting the rentals for their clients (or very few)
Even the very cheapest have many weeks not booked when you check out their availability calanders, so how on earth are we meant to UP prices at the moment.
The problem being (apart from the credit crunch) is that I still do not think there are many genuine holiday makers staying at Roda (would love to hear if I am wrong) the main bulk of people renting is still other owners and their families. There is still a while yet before it gets the publicity it deserves and as everyone keeps saying this all lies with the completion of the hotel.
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Hello there,
I wanted to agree with the last comment about Roda not getting the publicity it deserves. I actually run a company advertising golf properties to rent direct from the owners and have recently done a Press Release about Roda as I personally think it is a great resort and people need to know about it! This I know is going to be published by some golf magazines in this country as well as Belgium over the next month so hopefully this will raise the awareness of Roda.
I have spoken to many golf travel writers over the last couple of weeks and many of them hadn't heard about Roda and as soon as I mention the De Vere name and Mike Maloney they are very interested.
If anyone wants a copy of the Press Release please contact me ( I don't know whether I'm allowed to put it here...don't want to get into trouble!)
Many thanks and stay positive... Roda is a great resort and will only improve in time!
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re rental prices - ive just seen an apartment for rent at £250 per week high season?
surely that does not even cover costs?
what does everyone on here think as decent rental prices for say
low -
mid -
high -
per week?
_______________________ OUR APARTMENT 
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Assuming there are 4 people in the apartment it works out at £9 pppn.
The price of £250 pw quoted must be a mistake or its just a wind up to rile other owners who offer rentals.
If i was renting i would not accept a penny less than £400 high season and once the hotel is up & running the price should go up.
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can i ask whether you are getting rentals through managing agents, google searches or just friends and family?
many thanks.
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Our prices for a penthouse apartment are £495 high season, £375 mid season and £280 low season. I think that would be a very cheap week for guests and would hope to increase these once the Beach Club is up and running and the hotel at least looks as if it is being built. It needs everyone to increase their prices though which is difficult as there is competition for rental. I had a friend who had a week in a caravan in Yorkshire recently and thought it was good value at £500 per week which makes our prices look ridiculously cheap.
It will be a first class resort and prices must eventually reflect that - I hope!!
_______________________ Yvette and Dave
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We have both a 3 bed ground floor and 2 bed penthouse on phase 1 and we have found the 3 bed relatively easy to rent at £499 over the summer as there are limited numbers of three beds around . The competition for penthouse rentals is however pretty strong and we are currently looking at £399 across the summer.
In answer to Trevor's question I would strongly recommend not depending on anybody other than yourself to generate rentals as management companies have a lot more than your property to sell, no matter how good they are. Make sure that you have your own site, are listed on all of the major lettings sites (the cost of which can add up!) and be pro-active. As each phase is completed the number of properties available for rental increases dramatically so it's not going to get any easier in the short term, but long term we are all in the right place.
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We rented 2 bed ground floor 1st 2 weeks in July last year for £650 (phase 1)....we bought on phase 3 in Summer 2005 (now due to be complete end Sept (!!!)) and hence had a purpose to be there but feedback from our experience as holiday makers as opposed to owners was....
- firstly we did make an enquiry for rental re Rodas site to which we got no response!! No prizes for guessing we won't be putting our apartment through them
- we did a search on Roda Golf rentals and to be honest very few apartments came up on our search at that time so can't really comment on the price factor, although we did note that some rentals had a weekly cleaning and bed linen change, some included use of garage, some supplied toiletries and welcome packs etc so the price did depend on the services being included.
- once there the place was really quiet and the presence of hundreds of closed shutters was a bit off putting....although similarly fighting with lots of people in the pool would have been too! The golf course was also extremely quiet and for non golfers like us we did actually start to wonder if the course is as good as it's supposed to be!!
- We personally felt that a car was required which potentially adds to the holiday costs for people so this may affect budget and hence have a knock on view on what people are prepared to pay.......perhaps not for golfers.
- Our own view is that we hoped once the hotel is open that this would then create a lot more marketing and also additional facilities which would encourage more tourists to Roda and hopefully add a bit of vibrancy around the place.
Definitely agree that it's a good thing to try to standardise the pricing - we have experience of this elsewhere and it works, it also means that when someones apartment is filled but they have an enquiry they can pass it on to another owner knowing that the price will be the same. Perhaps for the moment though pricing on phase 3 will need to be cheaper until it develops a bit more. We have paid £1700 for a large villa for a week in Spain in summer before so ultimately if it's luxurious and exclusive there's no reason why higher rents can't be achieved! Let's hope so anyway! embed
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In Roda at the moment and we can confirm things have changed a lot since you were last here a year ago..
A lot of people around the pools .
Had a fantastic evening on the Clubhouse terrace which included beautiful food ,excellent service (definatly upped their game) and was full to capacity.
Live music and dancing was very entertaining.
Agree about pricing for rentals.
Golf course is busy (very hot during the day) and is cosidered one of the best in the area.We have friends who live in Polaris full time and play all around the area and say Roda is considered one of the best in the area.
We are more convinced than ever we are in the right resort.
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