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02 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hi! all,
           my son and friends have just returned from Roda phase 3 and told  us that not only in our apartment. But all the ones surrounding the pool where going up and down at will . No one in any of these Flats.  This could cause a great deal of problems as when my son arrived at our's ,shutters there fully opened. We as the rest of the apartments have spent lot's of Euro furnishing,  we could find problems with fading if this continues, over several months. Roda are aware of this problem as when I informed them of the fact the sutters where open,  they said if we wen't to Customer Service, they would tell us how to sort said problem. Also taxis would not enter Roda and come around to phase 3 but would only come to Gate which is if , going around about 20 min journey. We must insist that Roda find a route that is shorter for the phase owners to access the front gate.

Regards Margaret


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02 Jun 2008 9:30 PM by sheel Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi Margaret. Yes, shutters are a known problem. It's to with the electric switches. Some people have suggested on EOS changing all shutters to the manual type. We, and others we know, have had the problem sorted by Roda.

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02 Jun 2008 9:55 PM by RD Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

The technical department have said that when this happens they just need resetting in the fuse box and they have instructions how to do this, it is caused when the electric is swithched off. 
Has anybody any experience of this and does it work or is it a brush off?

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03 Jun 2008 9:11 AM by PAB04 Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message


Presumably the relevant breaker switch trips at the first sign of problem, this is  probably the symptom of a wiring or motor issue.  Re-setting the switch might work once but if the problem persists this is a clear sign of an underlying problem.  If you’re still under warranty get them back in ASAP.    

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03 Jun 2008 10:17 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

        I don't think the problems with the shutters has anything to do with switching off electricity, as we did not turn it off. We were leaving food in the freezer for the next visitors, and it was ok. If this problem has been ongoing since phase 1 ,then Roda should have done something about replacing them by now. If I was in a ground floor I would have serious security worries.



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03 Jun 2008 10:29 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

sandrab´s avatar
Hi Margaret

Oh I am so glad to see this posting - we have been fobbed off for months by the Technical Department - we have worked out that htere is a sensor in both the fuse box and in the switch to the shutter and our shutter is permanently up because the switch sensor is faulty.  Roda say it is not under guarantee but I am told that all things electricla have 2 years - so on my next visit I am going to camp out in Technical Services until this is resolved.

Thanks for letting us know about htis problem.



Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 




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03 Jun 2008 10:48 AM by RD Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

We have had MRI double check the warranty issue with these shutters because there is a grey area - the outcome is they are in fact only guaranteed for 12 months.
We have been told different by various parties but the bottom line is Roda and MRI seem to  be in agreement.
So where do we go from here - we have also had an intermittent problem with our shutters as you will see under the thread  Electric Blinds.

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03 Jun 2008 10:57 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Is there anyway of finding out just how many of us are affected by this and can we complain to the Community President. I for one will be getting in touch with him. If enough of us make complaints then we have a better chance of a result.



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03 Jun 2008 1:28 PM by RD Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

I have e mailed Marisol at the communidad today, maybe everyone affected should do this to show there is a general problem on phases 1, 2 and 3 at least.

Also It may be worth contacting MRI if bought through them as the more complaints they get the better also. 

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03 Jun 2008 2:02 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

sandrab´s avatar
Hi,  I have just emailed Marisol and our president to ask for some help on this.

Many thanks for hte heads up on this.



Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 




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03 Jun 2008 3:39 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

sandrab´s avatar
I have just heard back from Marisol - there is nothing she can do. 



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03 Jun 2008 5:29 PM by vercol Star rating in Bedfordshire. 115 forum posts Send private message

We are on phase 2 and had the same problems. Can confirm an earlier post ie

"The technical department have said that when this happens they just need resetting in the fuse box and they have instructions how to do this, it is caused when the electric is swithched off."

This worked for us, no more problems since we stopped switching the elecricity of.

Good luck,

www.golfresortroda.com veronica@golfresortroda.com

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03 Jun 2008 5:33 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

sandrab´s avatar
HI, is it possible you can email those instructions to me and we will try it!  I would be so obliged.

My property manager has been to the TD several times and spoken t o Andrea and she has not mentioned anything about the procedure you have outlined.

With kindest regards


Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 




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03 Jun 2008 6:42 PM by vercol Star rating in Bedfordshire. 115 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sandra,
Our keyhohers have the instructions, I will PM you their contact details.

www.golfresortroda.com veronica@golfresortroda.com

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03 Jun 2008 6:52 PM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

I have been in touch with Andrea today she tells me that there have been storms over the last month and that is why the electrity was off. If this is the problem then this could be ongoing. If they know that these switches are sensitve then surely they can come up with an answer. What if the day after you leave Roda we have a power failure and you don't go back for several months. Doe's that mean that for all that time shutters can go up and down on a daly or even hourly bases. If so how long before the motor dies?



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03 Jun 2008 7:27 PM by KarlT Star rating in Monks Kirby/ Roda. 68 forum posts Send private message

We too had the same problem, when we asked Roda about this they explained that it was because the power was being turned on and off as we were having all our lights fitted and we had to re-set the shutters - did that but it still happened.  We decided on departing our apartment for a few weeks that rather than worry about this situation we would close the shutters then turn the fuse breaker off so no power can get to the shutters - not ideal but gave us peace of mind.

We have only just moved in so this will be added to the snagging!!

Karl and Carla

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07 Oct 2008 3:11 PM by stewart1 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

Hi All
We have had an on going problem with our shutter in the living area
They have been out to fix this several times
It has now went again& there telling us that it's been over a year since we completed.

Does anyone know is it the date you signed or is it from the date you 1st snagged the Property

All help appreciated


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07 Oct 2008 3:52 PM by wangy1421 Star rating in Dublin. 107 forum posts Send private message

wangy1421´s avatar
Hi Ian

In the normal course of events
Practical completion is 12 months from when you accept the property as habitable



This message was last edited by wangy1421 on 10/7/2008.

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