Wanted - Long term rental in Cantoria

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The Comments
11 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by wetone Star rating in PALOMARES. 220 forum posts Send private message

Hola todos

regarding WiFi, this has nothing to do with the proposed WiFi on Thalassa connecting to the lift telephone system.

As some of you may know, for the past few weeks we have been guinea pigs for a new WiFi system, which, hopefully from today (or within the next 2 weeks) will be available between Mojacar and Villaricos.  The system will be pay as you go on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or, like ourselves on a permanent basis.  We don´t know definite prices as yet, but obviously the longer time you have it the cheaper it will be.  Just to repeat myself, anyone interested, please send me a PM including your contact details, even if you have already, then I can collate the information and pass on to the supplier.  The network is very secure, you have your own user name and password and it also has anti-virus built in.  It is very quick at the moment and they are hoping to have it up to 4Gb by the end of the year.  Eventually they are proposing a phone connection and TV connection as well.

Please do not hesitate if you want to PM me about this or anything else I can help with




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