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Hi all
Has anyone else had a water bill for 125.89 Euros.
I am thinking this must be a "rental" type charge as we have not had a water meter fitted all the times we have been out there ourselves or when we have had guests in our villa.
We would welcome clarification from anyone.
KInd regards
Stella & Nigel
PS See you all in 2 weeks, can't wait!
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Hi Nigel & Stella.
Some of that charge is for meter connection and standing charge not all for water. See you in 2 weeks yehhhhhhhhhhh.
Jackie x
For various o...
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Hi Stella & Nigel
The ones that have had there meters put on were charged 111 euros for connettion, i did hear that masa will estimate a bill for us who have not got a meter fitted on yet... so maybe this is whats happened to you. Regards Rob/Sue
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Hi Rob,
That probably explains the 176 euro debit, which has appeared on our Halifax ES account this week. Am still trying to find out how the levy the charges (O.K. by the cubic metre-but whats the rate- does anyone know??) Same goes for the lecky account - no bills, just charges).
John B.

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Hi John,
I have had two electricity bills dated 14th March and 15th July and it gives you a breakdown (in Spanish) I have mine sent to Sierra Golf Services as they have a post box and I collect them from Joanna when I am out there.
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Hi Davina,
Thanks for that, I don't know where my bills are going to, but I'll chase this one up when we come done next month (26th), it sounds like a good idea to contact Sierra Golf Services to handle our mail.
p.s. I must sharpen up on my spanish 'cos its all dutch to me at the moment!!!
Kidest regards,
John B.

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We have just recieved notification of money movemetns dated 22.08.08 from our Bank
It is for Aguas De Murcia and amount is 154.34 euros
interrestingly it has for Finca Escobar 142 -144 we know on our habite cert we are number 144 unsure if the numbers will run in sequence or alternate. We are Calle11 -144. Teh water emter is between us adn our neighbours but we have separate meters.
Not sure if amount is dependent on type of property.
We were not sure how to set up delivery of bills I know a lot of residents use a service where it is a PO box number and someone delivers to site.
Now things are getting set up may be prudent to have them delivered because like you no idea where bills are going if anywhere the electric just charge and they don't seem to be in any pattern.
Tricia and Denis
_______________________ Den and Trisha
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Hi Tony and all on SG, we have had a sum deducted from our Spanish account for the water which I belive includes the Meter cost as well. Are the bills at Masa office for all ,ie those with and those without meters? as I would like to have a breakdown of costs in order to budget outgoings. I await your reply kind regards Peter Edwards
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Hi Peter/Pam
I'm sure there are water bills for all, those without meters I heard have estimated bills. There is a connection charge of 111, euros or there abouts included on the bill, for those who have meters, not sure if you have still been charged for connection if you don't have a meter already fitted.( money up front ) My bill in total was 136.56 not bad once you take of 111 euros for a one off connection fee.
Tony This message was last edited by balsicas on 9/10/2008.
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