La Entrada Kitchens

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La Entrada forum threads
The Comments
22 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by Eric M Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

According to my solicitor in Spain what Gomendio have done with regard to the kitchens units (or the lack of them) is illegal under Spanish law. He has had a few complaints regarding this and he is quite prepared to challenge Gomendio in court through one of his court solicitor associates. Obviously this comes with a cost but if the court action action is upheld then Gomendio will be liable for all costs as well as compensation. My solicitor said if enough buyers get together to minimise the initial cost in starting the action, Gomendio will in all probability settle out of court because they would not want adverse publicity. Apparently Gomendio's attitude is that if, for example 50 % of buyers complain then this is cheaper for them to compensate than install fully fitted kitchens in every apartment. For those of you who have spent money on your kitchen please keep your receipt. If anyone wishes to go down this road please get in touch. Please send private message if you wish or reply to the thread. PS, as this will not happen overnight or next week even, we need to get our kitchen done and been quoted 3,500 euros by Gomendio. I will not be using them. So if anyone can recommend a joinet/kitchen fitter please get in touch.        


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22 Nov 2006 7:02 PM by Paulski Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

We have had 3 new wall units, a complete base unit, 3 big doors, 1 small door and 4 small drawer fronts all in a similar wood design/colour fitted by a small independent company from Torrevieja. They are called Marin,  they manufacture everything themselves and there is a small showroom on site.  They are in a small road behind the big ferreteria on the roundabout by the league of nations park (off main road). The cost of all the above units etc was about 2000 Euros with fitting.


Also with regards to your snagging - the builders do take some time to get them rectified - ours have only just been finished and we signed in February - but they do get done. 

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26 Nov 2006 9:34 PM by Rogann Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

We completed on our apartment at the end of March this year. We were also expecting to have wall units  fitted in the kitchen  but at time of signing were quoted 4,000 Euros, but as we'd just sunk all our money into buying the apartment this was not an option. I've only just read the comments on this subject . Have you any idea of possible costs involved in tackling the builders 'en masse'? Are any other owners interested in doing so? 

(Our apartment is in Block 6)


Ann & Roger

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26 Nov 2006 9:54 PM by Rogann Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

We were also surprised at the lack of cupboards in the bathrooms, as we seem to remember the show apartment was well appointed. As there was a time lapse of almost three years from signing for the apartment and completion it is difficult to remember the exact finish, although we were expecting a breakfast bar in the kitchen, too, as well as the kitchen wall cupboards!  The apartments were described as 'luxury standard', but perhaps Spanish 'luxury standard' is different than the English equivalent? 

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27 Nov 2006 12:30 PM by smokey Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi All My name is smokey, My kitchen is the same as all the others a complete joke i consider that the builder has taken us for a ride and that we should all pledge money to take the company to court it is time we showed that we are not going to have our hard worked savings thrown away by a money grabing builder.  I must point out that not all people have computers and are unaware that others are having the same problems and it may be a good idear to mail all 250 flats at least they will have the chance to respond to a cenntral point. regards smokey block 5 

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27 Nov 2006 12:30 PM by smokey Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi All My name is smokey, My kitchen is the same as all the others a complete joke i consider that the builder has taken us for a ride and that we should all pledge money to take the company to court it is time we showed that we are not going to have our hard worked savings thrown away by a money grabing builder.  I must point out that not all people have computers and are unaware that others are having the same problems and it may be a good idear to mail all 250 flats at least they will have the chance to respond to a cenntral point. regards smokey block 5 

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29 Nov 2006 12:03 PM by sukhum Star rating. 58 forum posts Send private message

I now have an excellant spanish solicitor thatis a friend. He is not the solicitor that Gomendio appointed which is worse than useless and clearly siding with the Developers.


I am going to put all of our comments to him and get some advice.


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29 Nov 2006 1:22 PM by louisen Star rating. 79 forum posts Send private message

~Great!  I would be interested in any referrals. Let's see what he says about hte kitchen

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11 Jan 2007 9:21 PM by sukhum Star rating. 58 forum posts Send private message

My spanish solicitor who is also a friend (a different one to who is doing my completion) states:

''Well, Gomendio is obliged to give exactly the same that they were offering, according the purchase contract. The more people that claim, the more chances of success. Everything depends on the importance of the problem. It takes time, and the damage has to be valuated by an expert (architect). That is quite common, and if the sue is prepared carefully 90% of the judicial procedures are winned by the buyers, because are the weak part in these cases.''

I don't know what you were all told about why you did not recieve a fully fitted kitchen. I was told that it did state it in my Spanish contract but not in my english, to which I am having checked out as we speak.

Any one have any views on this?






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13 Jan 2007 1:37 PM by Eric M Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hello Suki

I am 100% behind you with taking Gomendio to court over the disgraceful kitchens. My solicitor also says that we have a very strong case against Gomendio but I have not been able to speak to him this year in order to get things moving. There has not been a good response to this thread apart from yourself, louisen and smokey. Does your solicitor need a minimum number of buyers in ordert to proceed? Is your friend a court solicitor? I have arranged to get kitchen units fitted at a fraction of Gomendio's price which was 3,480.00 euros. Before it is fitted however, a photograph of the kitchen will need to be taken as evidence and I would recommend that everybody else does the same. I await your reply.     

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13 Jan 2007 5:08 PM by bispen Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Why not take this up with the president and the managing comitee of the community. If the whole community of La Entrada is behind this, I think Gomendio will be in deep trouble.

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14 Jan 2007 8:55 PM by sukhum Star rating. 58 forum posts Send private message

Hi guys

I will be meeting with David my solicitor this week on three seperate days so I will speak to him in detail about this and see what the best way forward is. I agree we will need more people in agreement with us.

I know that most people are very happy with there apartments and people only generally tend to discuss negative stuff, but I do feel we have been taken advantage of where the kitchens are concerned. A luxury flat should have fully fitted and completed kitchen. I have seen budget buys with better kitchens than ours and I feel this is a strong matter of principle.

It you would like to call me next week while I am in Spain and possibly meet then please call me on 07768 040959.... I am bringing my lap top and am hoping I will be able to find wirless somewhere so I can check these threads.


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15 Jan 2007 9:53 AM by Eric M Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hello Suki

I've tried contacting you but your mobile is just ringing out. My mobile number is 07801 238817 and landline number is 01563 531188

Eric M

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18 Jan 2007 4:17 PM by Eric M Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hello All

I have spoken to Suki today with regard to the kitchens. We are now ready to challenge Gomendio using Suki's solicitor, David who says we have an excellent chance of success. Therefore, would all interested parties please reply with contact details. We will endeavour to contact those buyers, who do not have access to or have not found this site, the opportunity to support the cause. My understanding is that for those who have upgraded their kitchens already a refund would be payable on production of their receipt.  

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18 Jan 2007 7:28 PM by Glen Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Hi Eric

Count me in the more people we can get to join in and take action the better

I will contact you with my email & mobile no


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22 Jan 2007 11:47 AM by louisen Star rating. 79 forum posts Send private message

Hi, I have sent you my contact details too:)

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22 Jan 2007 11:50 AM by louisen Star rating. 79 forum posts Send private message


I would be interested in changing Solicitors. Wuld you be able to share your Solicitor details?

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23 Jan 2007 10:59 PM by sukhum Star rating. 58 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

Thanks for your replies and interest. However, it will require more than a handful of us in order for our claim to be sucessful.

We need to find away of contacting all the owners at La Entrada to see if they will give us our support. It is very, very likely we will win if we are ALL behind this.

David will be making a post on this site in the next couple of days to explain what we can do, our prospect of sucess and costs involved (which seem to be minimal and in my opinion, worthwhile). David is more than happy to take the case on and has had experience with similar cases.

In the meantime can someone contact the head of the residents association and find out how to contact everyone please?

Whilst snagging my appartment I noticed that there are no shower screens and my second bath is only marginally bigger than a shower. In addition the wooden cabinets that are supposed to be fitted under the sinks are not there. La Entrada bathrooms are supposed to be fitted with vanity units and glass shower screens. Has anyone else had this problem? On inspecting the showroom again these items are in evidence and on display but unfortunately not in my appartment. I would like to know what standard your bathrooms have been fitted to?

Since I am persuing the kitchen matter through my solicitor I will also be asking him to to tackle Gomendio about my bathrooms.

David Details are

ABC solictors at La Mosca (just up the road from Punta Prima)

Their number is 0034 965326221

I look forward to hearing from you all!





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24 Jan 2007 3:42 PM by louisen Star rating. 79 forum posts Send private message

Hi, yes, the same situation, ie no screens, cabinets and a small 2nd bath.

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25 Jan 2007 12:33 PM by sukhum Star rating. 58 forum posts Send private message

Did anyone challenge Gomendio about the standard of the bathrooms? I am adding this to my complaint for David to handle.


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