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Hi All,
We have just got back home from another brill week in the village, and mostly wall to wall sunshine.(We left and returned to Newcastle to rain!) We booked a last minute flight, rang Richard & Ava Clarke,(Golf San Juan) who sorted us last minute accomodation, and off we went. Many thanks again Richard and Ava, hope you were able to clear all the sand from the storm on monday nite! The whole village was covered in it.
We are getting to know people in the village now, and have a good laugh trying to speak spanish! We go to the excellent Chinese Rest., amongst others, and they practice english as we practice espanol. Montesol was closed for refurbs, Delfinos ice cream parlour still has the best beer, in my opinion! Skippys dutch bar is a good place for a drink and chat. Pepes is Pepes. Still as manic ! But good. The bar in Mimosa complex, run by Rudy and V , is a good place to chill by the pool.
The site has come on leaps and bounds, most houses painted. (Altho ours isnt!) I agree with Jacqui in another thread, that there is no point in posting any more photos of the site, as we have seen most of it b4. Unless it is of individual houses at request. Wot I have posted is a photo showing the beach, from the rocky outcrop, with the site in the background. This was taken on sunday 7th sept, when the triathlon was taking place over the weekend. The site nestles in very good with the rest of the village from this angle.
Ironicaly, we were also talking about the fact there was no light fittings.(As mentioned in another thread also) We walked round the accessible roads on the site, and noticed there was a lack of fittings. Bare wire as well ! I had heard b4 that light fittings are not generaly included in Spain.
The village is going thru a massive transformation, and moving around the west side where they are building the new rd. is a bit of a pain. There is a big new roundabout on this new rd, just next to the Mimosa complex. If they put a fountain here as well, it will enhance the area even more.
Adios Amigos, Ray and Ann.
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i was out there in august the chinese is class and really cheap 14 of us including 8 children , beer, cava, usual cokes and icecreams came to 180 euros and the pizza place was cheaper again . just shows you this place has everything going for it.
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Thanks for the up date, really appreciated.
When we were out in September last year, the restaurants/bars started rotating closing.
The people in the chinese are really lovely and have made us most welcome over the last few years.
Montisol is good, is it major refurbishment does anyone know i.e likely to be closed a while?
Looking forward to hearing more from those on earlier phases and receiving notice their properties are ready, having waited so long we are reluctant to book flights until we are sure we can safely say we will be in a position to complete.
Also waiting to hear from those who have completed when the licences come through - when there is news, would appreciate an update.
What is lovely is that over the last few years, we have seen the resort/village really thrive and agree that it truely will be a wonderful place to relax - worth waiting for.
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Always lovely to here news of Terreros! We were on holiday in Mojacar for 2 weeks in August, hoping to have completed to stay in our own house, but it didn't work out in time.
We will now complete on our house next week (phase1). Hooray!! Have also been told by our Solicitor that Peinsa have sent their top man to Pulpi to put pressure on releasing the licences and that they will be issued in the next couple of weeks. Peinsa have done everything Pulpi have asked of them, so even they are getting extremely frustrated now.
The site looks fabulous and will only get better once owners start planting trees and flowers, and all the outside light fittings are put up etc. We can't wait to get on with our own house.
By the way, we bought all our lights from a lighting shop in Aguilas. The owner is an electrician and he is installing all the lights for 10 euros per light fitting, (inside and out) which we thought was very reasonable. Patricia, who served us, was extremely helpful and had very good advice when we were struggling to choose. They do not speak English, so go armed with your dictionary if you need to, but a great chance to practice your Spanish.
See you in Terreros!!
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The Montesol re-opens next Thursday, as just a bar - no food. They are keeping the internet, TV's, sky and the pool tables but are running it purely as a bar. The restaurant and kitchen are remaining closed so no breakfasts, lunches or evening meals anymore. As far as I am told, the bar will close at midnight and prices are remaining same as this year.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Thanks, very useful information.
Are the Montisol just making amendments for Winter or have they decided no profit in food? It is quiet a big area for a bar in isolation.
They also have bedrooms they let out above, which lead to them doing breakfasts.
The pool area photo's posted look good, much larger than we had imagined, they were digging the pool area out when we were out in March.
Can I see sunbeds in the background? If yes, that's one thing less to worry about if we do have them in the pool area it would be good.
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No, they are not sunbeds you can see, they are plastic covers to what I expect are the pumps & filters to the pools. It is a bigger area than I expected and the pool itself is bigger than I thought, but I did wonder myself about sunbeds, I don't fancy having to carry my own sunbed backwards and forwards. Something to sort out with the neighbours I assume
As far as I am aware, the changes at the Montesol are not just for the winter, but a permanent change. Again, it is my understanding (although the information has come through the Terreros ladies group as we hold our weekly meetings there, so hopefully is correct) they will still be letting the rooms out but anyone staying there will have to eat elsewhere).
It's 3am at the moment and the pups got me up, they are now playing as if it's the middle of the day so I'm off to see if I can settle them back down. They don't do this very often, thankfully but they would choose a night when I need to be up early for golf, just not this early.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Hola Amigos,
We were informed Montesol was going to re-open as a more traditional Spanish bar, but as Jacqui is our "Lady in the field" she will be the more reliable info. Which is good news for internet, sports etc. Strange one no food tho.......Hope u got back to sleep for your golfing trip Jacqui!
Lilac256, Hope your completion goes thru ok and u can finally enjoy it. Were you told officially that there would be no light fittings ? A bit of a daft question as you have already made enquiries to have them installed ! but still worth asking as we have not been told either way.
Arsenal, The 14 of u would have been the gooners fan club on their night 180 euros for 14 roughly works out at £12 a head, which is wot we paid the two times we went last week. We dont want to broadcast it to much as they might start puting there prices up.......................Never been to pizza place, where is it ?
Rowley house, The villa we stayed at had the same covers for pool pump and filter, so as Jacqui says, no sunbeds as yet. We had a walk around the same pool area, and it is quite a large area.
C u all soon,
Buenos Dias, Ray and Ann
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Hi Rayann
We didn't really find out until recently ourselves but it was something we hadn't really bothered about until now anyway. As we knew we would have to have lights fitted straight away, I can't say it has been an issue for us, although it can be a shock to see bare wires hanging down when you first walk into your house! As it is quite inexpensive to have someone else fit the lights, we have opted for that (even though my husband is a qualified electrician), so he can get on with all the (many) other things he will need to be doing when we go back to CDP (hopefully) in October.
All I know is, it is very common in Spain. Most people only look at show houses or resales, where lights are already installed, so they aren't aware of this.
Can't wait now...!
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There were a lot of rumours flying around about what the Monteson would re-open as. Every Thursday we have a meeting there so one of the group met with the Larry a couple of days ago and he has told us about it just being a bar and no food. As he's the one who runs it, hopefully we have got the truth. But it opens next week so if it's any different then, I'll let you know.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Found out today that Gary, the chef from Montesol has gone to work at Mi Cortijo (a little way further along on the same side as the Montesol, toward the Hypermarket), and they are now having a curry night on Fridays as Gary used to do at the Montesol.
Mind you, we prefer to go to Puerto rey to Chilli 2 (above Consum supermarket) when we fancy a curry - great food.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Update on the Montesol: it's up for sale for any interested parties. Also, closed after being open for a few days. I understand this is due to the person that runs it having to return to England due to a family reasons - don't know anymore than this.
By the way, it's absolutely pouring at the moment, we've had a few days of unsettled weather and when it rains here, it absolutely pours - but so far it;s mainly at night and it's usually over in a couple of hours so by tomorrow everything should be dry again - at least it's clean rain now.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Sad to hear one of the bars has closed down.
It was popular and one of our favorites.
Coming out soon and we know from last year at this time, the bars seem to start closing down.
Do you know which have plans to close shortly - La Venta was closed for 3 months this time last year for example.
Hope the rain you have had recently, means it moves on and the sun starts shining soon for our break.
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Another update on the Montesol - we passed it yesterday and it had a notice outside saying opening Wednesday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We don't know yet whether it is new people running it or the previous ones have come back, so we'll keep an eye on it and let you know.
Just for anyone due out in the next few days, the mossies are back and biting big style. They have sprayed along the front in the village but up at the golf we were eaten alive on Monday, so make sure you have some mossie spray, and watch for them as it starts to get dark, when you put your lights on in the villa/apartment they'll be in. But we have got the sun back and people are still on the beach and in the sea.
Back to the bars, La Venta has now closed for the winter, and I understand Delfins (the ice cream place) will close probably at the end of this month. We have started to go to Aguilas for our evenings out - it's only 10 minutes away and I don't drink much so don't mind driving - just driving the coastal road in the dark is entertaining!
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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mick&julie phase2 no48 just recieved phone call from solicitors&peinsa today confirming habitation licences are ready & i can complete when ever
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Great to hear you are moving in Mick and Julie, are you going to live there. We are out at the end of next week did not expect to be bothered by mossies at this time of year looks like it's a case full of cream !!!!!!! Jacqui I sent you a PM last month thought you might of got back to me , could be you never recieved it let me know if you have. Can't wait to go on hols and see the site it must be just about finished now and with people living there it will look great. Once again Good luck Mick & Julie.
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Mick & Pam
Sorry, never got your PM, I've just double checked and nothing in there, do you want to re-send?
I think the mossies have their come uppance today - it started to rain yesterday about 5pm local time and it hasn't stopped yet, had torrential rain, major thunder storms and it's forecast to be like this until Monday. Having said that the mossies got my hubby on the golf course yesterday morning, despite him being coated in sprays, creams and patches - his back is a real mess, at least 50 bites - through his shirt - what chance do you stand. Needless to say there is a lot of antihistamine cream being applied today. At least the ones I got on Monday are no longer irritating me.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Hi this is Mick and Julia
We are in phase 2 and in the process of completing
We have spoke to some nice people in phase 1 and they told us that when they completed they got their Bank Guarantee money back which was 1200 Euros which they purchased at the start.
We have spoken to our Solicitor and they have said that we will not get it back but our financial advisor has said that we should.
Has anybody else got their money back or could they help with any information with regards to the bank guarantee
Any information would be much appreciated.
Has anybody had their air conditioning installed and would you recommend them we have been quoted for 2 bedrooms and the living room on our 2bedroom house 2000 euros the units are made by LG from the shop opposite calas del pinar / is this a reasonable price
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Just had our first holiday in our own property, the first week we had heavy rain but the rest of the time was very hot. The whole site is really taking shape now, we went to the Calypso for a drink one night and were surprised to see how colourful our houses looked even from that distance.
During our stay the central zone was being worked on every day by about a dozen work men - the day we left it was almost completed so maybe when we go again in November we will be able to walk down to the roundabout instead of doing the longer circuit around the houses. I took 3 photos of the central zone which Almeriastu kindly posted for me - my computer refuses to do the job.
When we sat on the roof terrace in the blazing sun with a glass on wine, we both agreed we never thought it would happen ,but it has been well worth the wait.
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