The Comments |
We have bought on Phase 9 No 34 and we were told woould be completed by December 2007. We used Amba Sun who were only interested in getting the sale and little or no aftersales service at all. Suffice it to say we had to lwearn on a visit that the the first delay was to be 9 months and that has now stretched to 14 or 15 months dpending on who you have spoken to.
Contacting the solicitor was a joke as we discovered that they did not even have a signed Contract and we only learned about that after we requested a copy of the signed Contract. We have beeen seeking Guarantee since January with all sort of promises all explaining how good Peinsa are and that we have nothing to worry about. I wont bore you with the stories but I am confused as to whom the Solicitors are acting for.
Hopefully the completion date of February 2009 is a realistic one and it is good to see the Pools going in .
Talking about making a positive experience so negative is not ggod for the place you hope to call home.
_______________________ Paul
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Being realistic I doubt Phase 9 will be ready in Feb 09.
We reserved in September 04 on Phase 7 (we wanted to secure a postion close to green area's and the nearest to the front as we could).
We are being told our phase will be ready March 09.
Having seen the progress made on the development in the last 12 months, this has been signficant but I really would be surprised if Phase 9 was ready by the time scale they have suggested.
We are back out at the end of September, having visited in March and we will have a first few of current position then.
Recommend you keep looking at the forum as there are quiet a few of us who go out and subsequently place updated postings on the forum for fellow buyers.
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We bought our apartment in February not sure what phase but they will be built below the Beverley Hills. We were told March 2009 for completion am I being totally naive to expect completion sometime near to March.
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hi Shaz
Not sure wether naive is correct way to put it, we like rowleyhouse have bought on Phase 7 and we where if you want to call it NAIVE to think it would be ready for June 07 Haa! Haa! Hee! Hee! there coming to take us away Haa Haa. never never will we do this again, anyone mention offplan. No doubt Piensa are the best of a bad bunch but the delay is costing everyone dearly apart from Piensa.
No doubt the site looks great and paridise may be just around the corner but the strain has been tremendous on the lot of us and it still goes on and on and on Plus on top of all this I support Newcastle, they have also let me down by giving Barton another chance but that is another story. Good luck with your appartment and I do mean it.
Mick & Pam 
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When we purchased in August 05 (phase 7 ) we were told completion would be Dec 07, we have now been told March 09 ( still dont believe this) I am now totally brassed off with all the false promises of completion dates and bank guarantees and wish we had not purchased off plan and had bought a re-sale which we could now be enjoying. At the first opportunity we will sell it as we have no wish to stay there any more
_______________________ Barry & Diane
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Hi I'd better break the news to my kids, they were all planning on using the apartment next summer. Looks like package holidays again next year. If only i'd seen this forum before but was totally sold when I saw the development on the inspection trip
Sharon and Dave
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You will get there but it will take time.
We know a lot of people who have subsequently withdrawn from CDP as they simply got fed up of waiting.
The builders are also not particularly customer focused, we have in our time heard quiet a few "white lies" but having access to sharing information on the forum means you at least know realistically where you stand.
The one thing the CPD site has in it's favour is it's location, which is the reason why we have stuck with it, although we have been tempted a few times to back out.
We have seen some of the smaller developments in the 3 years go up fairly quickly but most off plan's in the area aren't quick.
If you are wanting to use fairly soon, suggest a re sale.
You may find someone on CDP offering theirs with a fairly quick completion - worth considering if you can get out of your present contract!
If I was to do it all over again - I would but would have paid a much lower deposit - its wrong that they have the money sat in their account, whilst we lose interest!
Good luck.
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Hi, Just received e-mail from estate agents in spain (Vera) , have informed us our property on phase 2 will be ready for completion Feb 09. When a phase is completed can owners move in, or have they to wait until whole site is complete??
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Hi Suemark
Hope thats a slip re. phase 2 not complete until Feb 09.
Spoke to Yolanda in CDP office this morning, she said phases 1,2 & 3 are complete, the swimming pools are complete and filled with water, paths have been completed and the roads re-tarmaced, people from the Town Hall had just inspected. They are just !!!! waiting for signed 1st occupation licence which would allow us to complete at the Notary.
She also said the site would be working through August.
Colin & Yvonne
Phase 3
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Hi Colin& Yvonne, just read again e-mail received yesterday from estate agents,although they keep stating that they are not allowed on site, they have received builders report, and amongst other things it says access to our house (phase 2) is currently unsafe. The next report to be sent to us in six weeks time. To tell you the truth, we are a bit fed up of the wait, originally after signing up in October 05 the development is running aprox 2 years late.We have visited San Juan 4 times since signing , but this year have not bothered, because we were really expecting to stay in our own accomodation. Have you been over there at all this year? Its a lovely place isnt it?
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Hi Suemark
We've been over twice this year, the last time was about 5 weeks ago to snag our house.
Whilst we didn't pay a lot of attention to phase 2, the exteriors looked complete and painted, couldn't comment on the interiors.
At the rate of progress over the last 12 months, to wait another 6 or 7 months would seem very pessimistic, maybe your agent believes it will take months to obtain the 1st occupation licence, from our point of view this is the last big unknown.
Like most other people we are fed up with the delays, it's now over 3 years since we signed up, if we had known then what we know now we wouldn't have purchased off plan. The big plus is the site position and the area is superb.
All the best
Colin and Yvonne
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We were contacted by Yolanda last week. She indicated that our house on Phase II was now complete. Our local agents indicate that this is correct but the 'first occupation licence' has still to be issued.
Julie & Derek Keighley
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Hi DRJackson.
,Did they give you any indication when first occupation licence would be granted for Phase 2 & has it been graanted for Phase
1 & 3 yet?
We havent heard anyone say that it has but some people have moved int phase 1.
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Our agents say that they cannot put a time on the issuance of the licence, once the application has gone to the town hall then it is down to them!!! I suppose the real question is 'when did Pensa make the application, assuming they have.'
We originally booked our unit in Sept 04 with a promise of Oct 05, thought it would be nice if they managed to complete before the three year late mark is reached!!!!
Julie & Derek
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I am trying to be positive and upbeat about this site but when you have visited the site, have you not noticed the 200 or so detached bunglows behind us. They have been lying empty for 3 years waiting for habitation licence, so we were told the last time we visited. But like I said you have to keep upbeat and look on the bright side or just keep looking at the photos and say to yourself I own half of one of those pretty lickle houses !!!!! come on !
Keep the faith  and just have a drink and think of paridise, then have another This message was last edited by miguelcarr on 8/5/2008.
Mick & Pam 
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I think you are referring to the Monte San Juan development. That is a sad and sorry tale.
The problem with those is the builder went bankrupt, owing the Govt. a lot of back taxes. I don't think the problem was
to do with the habitation licence.
THe rumour was that they were to be autioned off earlier this year. Don't know if that happened.
This message was last edited by randolph on 8/5/2008.
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The bungalows have a lot of history - ask local in the town. Basically they were built without permissions some people even completed on the purchase but had no mains etc.
One of the reasons that CDP was delayed for the first few years was the legal paperwork - San Juan is the showpiece for Pulpi council and they made sure the services, roads and general layout were in place before any further foundations were layed - you may recall the first half dozen houses on phase 1 had their foundations layed a good 18 months before work fully commenced on the site.
CDP is the showpiece of the town and the council wanted to ensure everything was in place both for their reputation and really for ours as buyers. Originally the houses were going to be built in phases which would have meant as we completed we would have building work in front for some time - the way it has eventually been built has meant that the main building work has been completed before anyone completes - whilst it is frustrating to wait, in the longer term it is a overall better proposition we are completing on.
If you look at the work, which has been done on the site in the last 8 months it is amazing and whilst we believe the builders could have treat ed their buyers with more respect, the site and town is fantastic.
To remove any further concerns ask yourself could Peinsa have built 450 houses in the location they have to then find out that they would not be issued licences or alternatively needed to be taken down - the answer is extremely unlikely!
Here's to happy living in san juan
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My daughter decided in May to withdraw from the purchase at CDP as her circumstances have changed dramatically since contracting to buy on Phase 1V in April 2005 (completion date given as May 2006). However, Peinsa have now backed out of a deal struck with other people wanting to withdraw and who were expecting to get their refund around about now. They were told 6 months for a refund. My daughter was expecting to get hers later this year but apparently Peinsa are making people take legal action for breach of contract which could take 2 years to get a court hearing. So we're now having to decide whether to get our solicitors to take that action (at an upfront retainer cost) for a refund plus legal fees and legal interest - which could drag on for years; or go ahead with the purchase and hope that rental income will cover the mortgage payments until such time that it could be sold. Not an easy choice. We were told on Thursday (18th)that the habitation licences for Phases 1-3 were expected that very day! Peinsa don't have a leg to stand on but this would mean they cold hold onto deposits for another 2 years which would help their finances and discourage others to withdraw. It's obviously a stalling tactic but very disappointing for those given reassurance that they would be refunded albeit with no interest payments!
We have a villa in Arboleas and so visit San Juan regularly while we are here. We like the place very much and it seems very popular with all the people we meet. Apparently the banks are still valuing the properties for mortgage purposes at around the purchase price mark or above so it's all still fairly positive. However, with all the delays it's difficult not to have resentment against the builder, after all we've all put down hefty deposits on the understanding that our properties would be completed on time. The financial world is a very different place to what it was in 2005 and the euro mortgage interest rate has risen considerably making the investment much less attractive.
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Agreed, it is a very sad state when the builders are not playing ball at all.
Hopefully both those involved in trying to withdraw at present and how have gone through the experience may be able to assist you.
The development is in a good location, but aleady without this development there is a surplus of properties for rental, so if you are dependent financially on quite a number of lettings this may be difficult to secure in the current climate.
Having gone through this experience, we would never pay a large deposit on a new build again, we appreciated there would be delays but not to the extent we have experienced or could be considered reasonable.
Good luck
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