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Hi all
We've just come back from a fantastic week in Spain & took some pics of where Golf Suites will be. Unfortunately there is no sign of them starting yet & the sales girl we spoke to said Polaris are concentrating on El Oasis Town Centre next & she had no information regarding a start date for Golf Suites.
Ok...this might sound complicated but here goes:-All photos overlap so form a panoramic view.
The photos dated 5th Sept are taken from the Security Point which is between Golf Suites & Cortijos Villas.
The photos dated 6th Sept are taken from approx where Bloq 37 will be. I wandered out in to the field & you can clearly see in the photos where the open area is between the Jardines & the golf course, the formation of some of the lake & the edge of the cleared area in the pic looking back at the road. This is approx where the long car park will be behind Bloqs 28 to 37.
The photos dated 7th Sept are taken from the end of the long car park running between Jardines & the Security Point at the end nearest the Security Point. This position is approx in line with the car park running along the back of Bloqs 28 to 37.
PHEW!!! I hope that all makes sense.We had a good look round the whole of Condado & it looks AMAZING!!!!
I Cant Make My Mind Up If I'm Indecisive Or Not
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Don & Kerry,
We haven't been lucky enough to visit Condado yet, so the photos can only fire our imagination. Great effort on your behalf and very much appreciated.
Let's hope that PW has a program in place for the start of construction of Golf Suites. A recent post on the 'Jardin' forum suggested that PW may/should hold back on future phases until the infrastructure (Oasis Town Centre?) is in place. If this is fact as suggested by the salesgirl you met, then great for those who have completed, but our collective investments to date would be partly funding it I assume!!
We bought with the intention of spending holidays there and hopefully renting out other periods........a start date would be most welcome right now. Without digging up the paperwork, I recall the Contract stated completion would be 18 months after commencement, and without precisely that we are in the dark.
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Hi Don & Kerry
Great to see your excitment! Are they going to be the first in your scrap book? I remember my first trip and I took loads of photo's got home and stuck them in a scrap book, then each time some photo's appeared on the forum or, I printed them out and added to the scrapbook. You want to see my book now! It kept me going, phewy PW will have them built by next summer. Have fun!
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Thanks for that scapa, sure we are gonna keep a scrapbook but not confident about completion next summer.  I think if we are honest we would prefer to wait as long as it take for the euro to pick up.
thekeeve, Im sure PW must need a certain % of reservations of Golf Suites before commencement then build as fast as possible. I do know land costs are minimal in Spain compared to UK so there will be a lot more profit hence a lower % figure needed. In the mean time, a few visits to Condado are anticipated renting in Jardines This message was last edited by Don & Kerry on 9/12/2008.
I Cant Make My Mind Up If I'm Indecisive Or Not
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Hi Don & Kerry,
Hope you're right - and fingers crossed.
It's no good checking on the PW website the number of apartments which are left for sale - it's too unreliable. There were 145 for sale in April, 139 in May, and 144 last week!!! Has anyone got a reliable up-to-date number?
Please keep us exiles appraised of progress following your trips.
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Hi All - back from Condado - but having read latest blogs and seen your photos I can't add much more info - PW Cust Serv would only say that it is still planned to be 2nd half '09 for completion, but that all other phases had been ahead of plan - (at least the Euro exchange rate may have picked up by then) so we'll have to keep waiting.
Really impressed with the SIZE of the whole Condado complex and AMAZED at the progress since we were last over there in Aug'08 - had snack and drink at the new snack bar (a bit pricey) and small supermarket looks great for local buy's.
They are concentrating on the new Oasis and all that site is now leveled and all marked out with "white lines" to commence digging out footings - and they have now started to erect cranes on that site so building work will be underway within days.
Don/ Kerry when you looked at the "lake" area in front of G/Suites did it have a water retaining "liner" laid in the hole or was it some other kind of soil that was in there ??? - c ya
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Hi Patony
Condado looks FANTASTIC doesnt it? Well at least you got a reassurance re completion late 2009. We couldnt even get that out of them. As for your question about the lake liner, I dont think its either. The grey/blue colour looks like slabs of some kind. My camera takes 12megapix so I zoomed in the pics to confirm & it definately looks like flexible slabs a few inches thick & maybe 5m wide by 20m long. You cant see them clearly on the pics I uploaded as EOS resize them.
I Cant Make My Mind Up If I'm Indecisive Or Not
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Hi Don & Kerry
LOL! I knew as soon as I posted that I would no doubt confuse everybody! As you can see it was very late and I had just got in from work and was tired! I wanted to post a reply but my laptop was taking too long to process. There is no meaning to it , it was a phrase used on an old balck & white movie and I have a kept it. My friends at home are used to me using it!
Anyway on a positive note it looks like alot will be happening in 2009 on the Condado and who knows you night see your suites next summer.
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Hi all,
In view of the Mirador delay, I called Customer Services today. They are waiting for a license to be issued before they can start GS, but do not envisage any long term delay for the same reasons as Mirador (whatever they were - but we can only assume lack of purchasers). They still insist completion will be late next year.
As for bank guarantees, the situation hasn't changed - they are waiting for them to be issued by the Bank of Valencia.
Chins up,
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Hehe! Hi Keeve
I phoned them today too & got the very same answers about GS & Bank Guarantees. If nothing else their answers are consistant.
So yes, definately chins up ...& euro up too between now & next year. I hope shampers is right about the rate, 1.35(or better) this time next year.
I Cant Make My Mind Up If I'm Indecisive Or Not
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Great news - I hope that nothing happens in next few months for PW to change their minds about building GS - I know that the "sold" apartments calculation on their web site is a bit unreliable but assuming that there are still about 145 advertised for sale they (should) have sold about 100 which I figure still gives them about £5 million of income when we all complete and pay the balance of 60% - I would hope that's enough incentive for them to build next year cos they will need that cash flow - I'm sure the only reason they have delayed Mirador is because they only sold "a handfull" of those apartments - still can't wait - c ya
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Hi all,
Some positive news: TedH on the Jardin forum under thread 'News from Sales Office' had it from a sales rep that GS will commence Dec this year. If so, then can we expect any early handovers middlish of 2009?
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Well spotted Ted - at last some good news for all us GS 'folks' to look forward to - if things workout as suggested we may be having our "meeting" party in the new Foro area which could be fully open by the time we get there - c ya
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