Hi Mitch /Broadway
Well you must be living a quiet life if you havent heard of problems here
1 You say you have not been offered a mortgage,this will be based on valuation and not on what you have agreed to pay( Mortgages are very tough to get as you must know.)
2 Suggest you get an independent valuation before you complete
3 You may find out that on a financial basis it may be better to loose the deposit
4 If you are able and then willing to complete then pay for a detailed independent survey (dont pay a penny until everything has been put right and never reply on the promise it will be sorted as it wont.
5 Once completion has happened then you are on your own with no backup
6 Do you have want was promised on the development ,if not then I would want a substancial reduction ( Never rely on promises of what wil be as I wont)
7Is you soicitor independent or one recommeded by .O- P if its the second,change solicitors before you complete.
9 Never ever let these threaten you with this and that if you dont complete when they say.
10 Check and see yourself the habitation licence (dont beleive the solicitor and never ever be taken in with its in the post or its all approved and it will be issued soon)
11 No habitation then dont complete and even if they assure you it will be here soon hold 30% in a seperate account on completion pending its issue and its in you hands.
12 Is the development late in completing ? If yes you will have lost mega money with the fall in value of the pound against the Euro ,Maybe £30K I would want this knocked of the price
Personally I would run a mile,loose my deposit and be very bitter about the whole con - ference

for the rest of my life,.
Good luck with whatever you decide
Just Dan
This message was last edited by Just Dan on 9/18/2008.