We bought an off-plan Phase 2 Quad Villa last year. At the time we wanted to retire there full time and were given an option of having a downstairs third bedroom or a larger lounge/living area. As there are only two of us, we opted to go for a two bedroom/ large living area option.
Due to the economic crunch etc we may not be able to retire as soon as we hoped, so would need to rent out, or at worst, sell on our property.
Parador (our agent) has now asked us to make a definite decision on this. With our changed circumstances, we are wondering whether the 3-bed version would have a higher rental/resale value, and that this is the option to go for?
Advice, one way or the other, appreciated. Any comments as to what financial difference there is rental/resale-wise between the 2 or 3 bed version appreciated.
Thanks in advance