Hi M11 Block
I completely understand your frustrations with the lack of information from Masa. We have all had the same concerns as you.
Those of us who are now resident have suffered the same concerns and frusatrations but are now living our lives with a whole new set such as no legal TV etc and I can see how these may seem insignificant to you.
On a positive note we are proof that you will move in eventually!
On your suggestion of a separate site all I can say is this is your site too, Start new threads on
your own topics to open new forums with people with similar problems. Yes, old hands will still chip in with support and help but you are the master of your own fate. Just start a new debate to get others with your plight involved and if nothing else vent your frustrations
In the meantime keep the faith, bug MASA and your agents/ solicitors and visit when you can.
June and Ron
This message was last edited by ronjune on 10/11/2008.This message was last edited by ronjune on 10/11/2008.