We are pleased to say that our first edition of the Sierra Golf Newsletter received a favourable response.
Thank you to all who have sent in contributions for inclusion in this issue and for your messages of support.
We hope to see this Newsletter continue to grow with each future edition.
Sonya and Jane
It has been decided not to make a charge for paper copies of the Newsletter at the moment. We have instead changed the format to black printing only.
Printed copies are available from:
Bev M14:7 Jane M15:44 Sonya M:16:71 and the site/golf office.
In response to the article on feral cats in the last issue, we received an email suggesting it may be worth contacting SATS in Torrevieja (00.... Thank you Rosemary.
The first meeting of the book club took place at Judy’s house this week.
Judy explained how the book club functioned and had a wide selection of paperback novels to start the round. At future meetings members are encouraged to bring books to add to the pool.
The meeting was attended by eight, including Jane of SG NEWS who reported that it all took place with a cup of tea/coffee and cake and was much enjoyed by all. It was also a good opportunity to get to know other residents from around the site.
Thank you to Judy for an enjoyable afternoon.