The Comments |
Hi All Golfers
Now that the golf course is up and running i'm starting a Friday Frolic, it's golf with a bit of fun.
I will be putting a list up in the golf office, just put your name and handicap down by Thursday lunchtime every week and I will arrange the list into four balls, the list will back in the golf office Friday Morning I will put two telephone numbers down so you can phone for your tee time or pop into the glof office. Hopefully it will be starting on Friday 14th November, we hope to make it competitive just 5 euros to enter all proceeds paid out, there will be stapleford category prizes, nearest to the pin or longest drive or two's etc.
The competition is optional, just come for the golf.
For those of you golfers who do not live here, if you want to join the Friday Frolic the next time your out here just pm me and I will put your name on the list.
The tee off times will be in the afternoon, if it's 9 holes.
Hope to see you all there on the 14th November.
Tony Brown
This message was last edited by balsicas on 11/6/2008.
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Hi Tony,
Will be down on the 17th, put me down for the 21st & 28th (wth a few games in between). Now playing off 28, had a bad weekend which cost me 10 strokes (L.O.L.). Hope you know that, with course knowledge, you will be docked 2 strokes (plus the ringers deduction of 6) putting you off 16!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck, mate.
Having said that, good idea,, lets now work to get a Sierra Golf Society going, and really start moving on.
Best regards to Janet & yourself.
John B.

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Hi John
I'm glad to hear your handicap is down to 17 or did you say your down on the 17th, well lets just say your NEW h/cap is 17, for the F/Frolic. lol.
Well it's started the S/G/Society with the first Friday Frolic, well there were 7 of us and i must say it was enjoyable golf with a laugh and thats all thanks to those who turned up, Thanks to all.
For those of you who want to join in the Friday Frolic there's a list in the golf office just put your name and h/cap down and we will see you on the next Friday, or you can see Eric Findlay or myself Tony Brown, come and join us it's a game of golf with a great laugh.
I would just like to thank everybody who turned up today and once again it was very enjoyable thanks to Eric, Barry, Mark, Brian, Les & Mark8.
We are also out this Sunday Morning about 10.30. if your want to join us please come down you are more than welcome, let's get this golf Society going.
I would just like to thank Mark8 for showing us his own way of entering a bunker! head over hills. Nice one mate couldn't stop laughing.
See picture of F/F on the photo section above.
Tony Brown
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I Dont think i have seen as many Bandis since the magnificant 7 was last on , at least there is some thing positive Masa have done, enjoy Boys will be over in feb bats in hand and ready for a game, will just have to swap my flippers for shoes.
Regards Byro
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Hi All
Just to let you know after our F/Frolic, we had two four balls for our Sunday Morning golf and thanks to all who turned up, most enjoyable golf.
This Friday looks like to be an even better turn out, could be 3 or 4 fourballs, the more the better.
Eric & myself have put notices up in the golf cabin on site please put your name on the list next time your over there for this weeks F/Folic, we have also put a notice in the golf shop near Roldan letting people know that S/G is open.
If you can't get over to the golf shop just turn up on Friday and we will sort the teams out, first tee time will be about 14.00 so please be there early.
Alan we know you are going to be there about 14.30 thanks for letting Eric know, we will sort your tee time out.
Once again hope to see you all on Friday for a Frolic.
Thank you
This message was last edited by balsicas on 11/11/2008.
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Hi Tony and Eric,
Could you put me down on the list for about 2.30pm ,with Alan.
Cheers Phil
_______________________ should you req any tiling
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We are back over on 12 December
I dont have a handicap, apart from hitting the ball, as Ive only just started the game
How do I go on joining in the F/F or the Sunday game
steveand Rosa 14.43
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Hi Steve & Rosa
Don't worry about the h/cap we all had to start like that, Dec 12th is a Friday will you be able to make it by about 2ish?? if not let me know a bit nearer the time and you can join us for our Sunday morning golf.
When ever you are coming out just email Eric or myself and we will put your name down.
See you on the 12th or 13th Dec.
Hi Phil
Thanks your down for 2.30 with Alan.
This message was last edited by balsicas on 11/13/2008.
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Masa got in touch with me today and said because they think there's alot of golfing bandits on Sierra golf they are going to reduce the size of the holes on the par 3s, good luck guys, no chance of a hole in one now.
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Hi Tony,
With a Friday Frolic handicap of 17 (for nine holes !!!!!, cheers mate), and this club in my bag.........................
Don't bet on it!!
Mind you, I think that this club was made by GM, so anything could happen.See you next week.
John B.

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Tony and Eric,
That was a great day out, the Friday frolic was very enjoyable, deal me in for next Friday.
Cheers Phil
_______________________ should you req any tiling
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Thanks for the great afternoon frolic, sorry for the slow play, be there next Friday.
Cheers Ron.
_______________________ For Electrical work or Low Maintenance Gardens please pm me
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Hi All
Just like to so thanks to all that turned up for our Friday Frolic ( 10 in all ) very enjoyalbe.
Phil & Ron I'll put your name down for next weeks F/F cheers guys
There are a few of us going out Sunday Morning about 10.30ish please join us.
There are now Sierra Golf Society Membership Form's available from myself for those who want to join.
See you all next week
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Good point, wonder if its got anything to do with one of the signs on the SG Golf Course ???

Wonder who put it there ???
This message was last edited by hillwood on 11/15/2008.

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Hi All
It's was great to see a couple of BIG hitters on the golf course on Sunday Chick & Barry joined Taffy, Brian & myself. for a most enjoyable round of golf.
What with Barry getting a birdie on the 8th hole and Brian sinking a 30ft putt and some fantastic long drives by Chick & Barry, Taffy played a steady game finding the fairway on most of his drives.
Although it was a flying visit for the weekend for Chick & Viv and Barry & Mandy, I think they all enjoyed the golf and weather, hope to see you all again soon.
Thanks to all.
Tony & Janet.
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