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Sierra Golf forum threads
The Comments
30 Oct 2008 12:00 AM by butchb Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

As a new member to the site it is sad to see people wasting time over issues like correct spelling etc when there are far more important issues to discuss such as the general state of the development. I own a property in Sierra which I visited last month, I was shocked to see how messy the approach road into the site has become it has got WORSE instead of better. the general state of the trees is shocking, there are still no shops or pools on site and the site has come to a stand still. To me it looks like the builders has abandoned the site and all hopes of hotels,shops etc....  Maybe we could better use our efforts in getting some services to the site.

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30 Oct 2008 9:59 PM by mug Star rating. 108 forum posts Send private message

mug´s avatar
sorry butch but you didnt read the small print on that big welcome sign at the entrance you know were it says abandon all hope yee who enter here this site gets way too serious and as you can see my spelling needs pulling up as to the site being a mess with no shops bars n hotels it wont happen till things start selling again letts face it a company that opens the first nine holes of a golf course without said holes in the greens isnt bothered about a few dead or dying trees experience has taught all SG ers only a sit in works but even that wont work on this the reason for the entrance being so bad is they got their levels wrong so had to dig it all back out and start again but hey thats masa for you if your around in midd nov drop in for a brew and we can try to put the world to rights were on 14 42 so you see in manyaner land there are no serious issues if your masa and my handle says it all mug you just are when you buy up here or so masa beleive see you soon i hope mug

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31 Oct 2008 5:11 PM by taraleisure Star rating in Holmfirth. 294 forum posts Send private message

Hi Butchb,
Realistically, the shops or other facilities will not open till there are sufficient customers on SG to support them. The Supermarket is already signed  over to the family who presently run a shop on Camposol. However, if they opened it tomorrow, they would be out of business by the end of the month. The restaurant owner uses the same argument.
  The good news on the golf course it that it will be opened this week
with snack bar.Work on the entrance road is still going on, albeit slowly.
SG is in a better condition that some of the other developments. La Tercia, just down the road from SG, is closed. No building, no news, no refunds. Jumila in administration, buyers waiting for refunds. A.C.C, 400 houses part built, site closed 2 years ago, no refund or bank guarantees.  M.C.C , same developer,running for at least 5 years, still no golf course, no shops. Last week no water! Half of the properties have no Hab. Cert.

At least we all have a home, golf course and only 5 minutes from the supermarket where we can get a bottle of cheap wine to take back and enjoy on the verandah watching the sun going down.

Am I right, Mug?





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31 Oct 2008 10:59 PM by fromie32 Star rating in Sierra Golf Balsicas. 147 forum posts Send private message

fromie32´s avatar

Hi Taraleisure,

You are so right, at least we have a home to go to and as you say the shops are just down the road, we even have an Indian and Chinky restaurant close by, yes progress is slow as it is in Britain, building here has stopped in some places so lets not moan, lets enjoy what we have got after all a place is what you make it, dont you think.

The Fromies.

This message was last edited by fromie32 on 10/31/2008.

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01 Nov 2008 12:49 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

sandrab´s avatar
Hiya neighbours

Agree with all you are saying but can I make one small correction to TaraLeisure's posting, it is not La Tercia that has closed down, it is La Tercia Real - its quite important as I have a property on UGR La Tercia and we are open for business!  

Best regards



Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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01 Nov 2008 1:20 PM by taraleisure Star rating in Holmfirth. 294 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sandra
Yes, I should have put La Tercia Real.
With due apology's for the mistake..





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01 Nov 2008 2:09 PM by mug Star rating. 108 forum posts Send private message

mug´s avatar
hi taraleisure i do think your right but if you didnt inject a little humour now and again you go mad but you are right not enough is being done they take your money and then ignore you  you carnt even complain in the office you have to go through a facless phone call with alicante but like le tercia we didnt have any facilitys  eg water  elec for months all through the winter ok we have it all now but shops will come but latet rather than sooner its all about economics they say credit crunch but thats not been going on 5 years its about too much choice in our area sales spread over several developments not just ours not enough customers to go round and other sites entrances look well maintained eg UGR etc their club house isnt a B&Q shed bin stores (not overflowing skips ) even the rounderbout girls wouldnt stand on masa rounderbouts and we are opposite the big dog toilet on m14 so yes we do need more contruction from masa but without brass as we say in yorkshire its not going to happen see you all soon bing much cider fromies n we can drowned our sorrows together mug

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