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Huerta Nueva los Olivos forum threads
The Comments
01 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by Terry957 Star rating in Gosport, Hampshire. 78 forum posts Send private message

Just think, 2 years ago we had the prospect of our apartments soon being finished.  How excited we all were then, sharing news and eagerly watching the exchange rates for a good time to buy euro.  Seems a long time ago to me.  Has it been good time?

Okay, so there were a few teething problems, but I am well pleased with our apartment and with how LO looks generally.  I've greatly enjoyed my visits and found other owners welcoming.  I love the area and will never become bored with watching the mountains change colour in the sunrise/sunset.  I 've even come to have greater appreciation for the broken wooden pallets since they became disguised by wild flower growth.  And it's been interesting to watch how the locality has been developing. 

So, as we enter 2009, I'd just like to offer special thanks to a few people who have made the LO experience good for me....

*  Our neighours (in all directions) who are all friendly and charming.  I've had more 'over the fence' conversations with you all in the last 2 years than I 've had with my UK neighbours in the last 12 years!

*  Our Key Keepers, Rob & Linda who, with help from Neil & Chris, make sure that our place is safe and ready for use.  You have taken much of the headache out of our ownership by tackling so many of the practical on-site tasks on our behalf.  It's good to know people who are so trustworthy and overall good eggs!

*  The Los Olivos Committee, who have done so much to pull it all together out there and give us a strong and representative voice.   I know that you're in the firing line sometimes when there is disagreement but just know that your efforts are appreciated.  Hang on in there!

Wishing all Los Olivions (or whatever the collective term is) good things for 2009......perhaps even like the walls being painted by BMS! 

Cheers to all

Terry 19b

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02 Jan 2009 1:25 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Well said Terry - agree with you on all counts!!!   In spite of some teething problems with individual apartments I think on the whole the apartments are great, and the gardens and pool area fantastic.  When I am swimming up and down it looks like a piece of paradise and I never get tired of it either.  We really do appreciate that these things don't happen by accident, and I think the committee has done a great job looking after our interests.  The change of management company seems to have gone well, and we look forward to further developments.  It is going to be really interesting to see how things in the area develop and we are just holding our breath and hoping that the area is not ruined.  I would particularly like to say that we appreciated the new style newsletter and I look forward to being kept informed in 2009.

A good year I hope for everyone.





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