.... but when it comes to sending out information via email for the AGM they are less than efficient - in fact, in our experience, completely hopeless.
Rather than send out the information to everyone in one go, they seem to be sending it out individually at random times (over a period of several weeks !).
Then, there's the inability to send any attachments : on Monday they sent me an email saying please find attached .... etc.
but there were no attachments. I sent back a reply asking them to resend.
48 hrs later I got another email saying apologies and please find attachments .... but again there were no attachments !
So we still haven't received the agenda or anything else..... and the AGM is only 4 days away.
I guess it's just another nail in their coffin - let's hope we vote to change to Indasol, and that we can change over quickly.
Dave and Ailsa, 2A